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U.S. Genealogy by State


1830 Census [Fifth Census of the U.S., 1830]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1830 .A2
4 reels; indexed by Gandrud, Alabama [GS 2: Ref F 326 .G3] and by A.I.S. Census Index, 1830 [NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839]
1840 Census [Sixth Census of the U.S., 1840]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1840 .A2
16 reels; fully indexed by A.I.S. Census Index, 1840 [NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849]; partially indexed by Posey, Alabama 1840 [GS 2: F 325 .P67]
1850 Census [Seventh Census of the U.S., 1850]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1850 .A2
16 reels free schedule; 8 reels slave schedule; indexed by Jackson, Alabama 1850 [GS 2: Ref F 326 .J334] and by A.I.S. Census Index, 1850 [NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860]
1860 Census [Eighth Census of the U.S., 1860]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1860 .A2
26 reels free schedule; 10 reels slave schedule
1870 Census [Ninth Census of the U.S., 1870]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1870 .A2
45 reels
1880 Census [Tenth Census of the U.S., 1880]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1880 .A2
35 reels
1900 Census [Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1900 .A2
44 reels
Alabama. Dept. Of Archives and History. Alabama Census Returns, 1820. (1960)
GS 2: HA 222 .A37
Alabama Newspaper Files in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass., Gulf State Historical Magazine, May 1903: 425-27
American Families at Four Frontier Posts, Genealogical Helper, November 1963: 5-13
GS 18
American State Papers, Class VIII (List of Actual Settlers ... East of Pearl River), Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society, May 1972: 8-10; August 1972: 24-26; November 1972: 27-29
GS 18
Andrews, W. T. Memorial Sketches of the Lives and Labors of the Deceased Ministers of the North Alabama Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South (1870-1912). (1912)
BX 8491 .A5
Archives and Manuscripts in Alabama: a Repository Guide. (1997)
Guides (reference): CD 3071 .A73 1997
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, Mississippi. (1992)
reference shelf: Ref G 1201 .F7 A8 1992 Miss.
Includes some Alabama counties in territorial period
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Old Cahaba Land Office Records & Military Warrants, 1817-1853. (1986)
GS 8: Ref F 325 .O53 1986
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Old Demopolis Land Office Records & Military Warrants, 1818-1860 and Records of the Vine and Olive Colony. (1988)
GS 8: Ref F 325 .B355 1988x
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Old Huntsville Land Office Records & Miitary Warrants, 1810-1854. (1985)
GS 8: F 325 .B358 1985
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. The Old Mardisville, Lebanon & Centre Land Office Records & Military Warrants, 1834-1860. (1990)
GS 8: Ref F 325 .B359 1990
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Old St. Stephen’s Land Office Records & American State Papers, Public Lands, Vol. 1, 1768-1888. (1983)
GS 8: Ref F 325 .B37 1983
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Old Sparta & Elba Land Office Records & Military Warrants, 1822-1860. (1983)
GS 8: Ref F 325 .B36 1983
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Old Tuskaloosa Land Office Records & Military Warrants, 1821-1855. (1984)
GS 18: F 325 .B38 1984
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Researching in Alabama: a Genealogical Guide. (1998)
GS 8: Ref F 325 .B37 1998
A description of resources and general reference tools rather than actual records
Barrow, James Heath. Word from Camp Pollard, C.S.A. (1978)
E 551.5 59th (61st) .B37
59th (61st) Alabama Infantry
Berney, Saffold. Hand-book of Alabama. (1892)
F 326 .B52 1892
identifies locations of towns and other sites
British West Florida Abstracts of Land Petitions, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1984: 135-54; September 1984: 263-71
GS 18
British West Florida Miscellaneous Papers, Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1984: 309-22
GS 18
Captain Young’s Guard Company, Nitre & Mining District #9, Valley Leaves, June 1990: 161-65
GS 18
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
84 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; indexes 1830 Census [NFX HA 201 1830 .A2]; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
117 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; indexes 1840 Census [NFX HA 201 1840 .A2]; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
140 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; indexes 1850 Census [NFX HA 201 1850 .A2]; ask for specific surnames
Central Alabama Genealogical Society. Lineage Charts. (1977)
GS 18: F 325 .C4117
Vol. 1 only
Confederate Soldiers Who Died in Elmira Prison Camp, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 7 (1990), no. 4: 200-24; vol. 8 (1991), no. 1: 16-20; vol. 8 (1991), no. 2: 1-3; vol. 8 (1991), no. 3: 77-81; vol. 9 (1992), no. 2: 24-26; vol. 9 (1992),  no. 3: 40-42
GS 18
Crumpton, Washington Bryan. A Book of Memories, 1842-1920. (1921)
BX 6495 .C78 A3
Alabama Baptist Convention Mission Board
Daughters of the American Revolution. Alabama Society. Index to Alabama Wills, 1808-1870. (1955)
GS 8: F 326 .D3
De Ville, Winston. British Burials and Births on the Gulf Coast: Records of the Church of England in West Florida, 1768-1770. (1986)
GS 8: F 301 .D39 1986
Excerpts from the Christian Advocate [New Orleans], 1859-1860, Family Trails, February 1979: 46-69; November. 1979: 44-48
GS 18
Excerpts from the Christian Advocate [New Orleans], 1882, Family Trails, May 1978: 32-35; August 1978: 39-42; February 1979: 49-52; August 1979: 50-53
GS 18
Extractions of Mississippi Interest from Marriage, Death and Legal Notices in Alabama Newspapers, 1819-1893, Family Trails, November 1983: 41-44; February 1984: 67-72; May 1984: 15-21; August 1984: 33-40; November 1984: 1-3
GS 18
Family Tree Maker Marriage Index: AL, GA, SC 1641-1944. (1944). 1 CD
Records come from a variety of sources and may not be a complete listing of all marriages occuring in these states for this time period
Reference desk: CSX F 208 .F365 1995
Farmer-Clanton Cemetery, Pickens County, Alabama 1864-1923.
GS 8
F332.P5 F37 2010
Foote, Henry S. The Bench and Bar of the South and Southwest. (1876)
F 396 .F68 1876
Fulton, William Frierson. Family Records and War Reminiscences. (N.d.)
E 605 .F85
Company A, 5th Ala. Batallion, Civil War
Gandrud, Pauline Myra. Alabama: an Index to the 1830 United States Census. (1973)
GS 2: Ref F 326 .G3
General Phineas Lyman and the Company of Military Adventurers, Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1985: 201-06
GS 18
Gillis, Norman E. Early Inhabitants of the Natchez District. (1963)
GS 12: F 340 .G49
Appendix includes inhabitants of other areas of the Mississippi Territory
Gulf States Historical Magazine. 1902-04.
Hoole, William Stanley. Alabama Tories. (1960)
E 495.6 .H6
1st Alabama Cavalry, USA, 1862-65
Huey, Mattie McAdory. History of the Alabama Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy. (1937)
E 483.5 .A5 H84
Hughes, Dudley J. Oil in the Deep South: a History of the Oil Business in Mississippi, Albama, and Florida, 1859-1945. (1993)
HD 9567 .M7 H84 1993
Jackson, Joseph Abram. Masonry in Alabama. (1970)
GS 8: HS 537 .A22 J33 1970
Jackson, Ronald Vern. Alabama 1850 Census Index. (1976)
GS 2: Ref F 326 .J334
Jones, Homer T. Census of Confederate Veterans Residing in Southeast Alabama in 1907. (1998)
GS 8: Ref E 548 .J65 1998
Lackey, Richard S. Frontier Claims in the Lower South. (1977)
GS 7: E 83.813 .L3
Requests for compensation for damages from Indian raids during the War of 1812
Landholders of Surveyed Tracts in British West Florida, 1772, Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1985: 9-15, 44
GS 18
Louisiana Officers, 1738, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 187-91
GS 18
Memorial Records of Alabama. (1976)
GS 8: F 326 .M53 1976
2 vols.; biographical information
Mississippi Territory East of Pearl River, Mississippi Genealogy and Local History, June 1978: 43-48
GS 18
Mrs. Clifton’s Clippings, Northeast Mississippi Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, September 1988: 2-6
GS 18
obituaries, 1836-80
Neville, Bert. Directory of River Packets in the Mobile-Alabama-Warrior-Tombigbee Trades, 1818-1932. (1962)
Ref HE 630 .M65 N4
Neville, Bert. Directory of Tennessee River Steamboats. (1963)
Ref HE 630 .T4 N4
Northern Alabama: Historical and Biographical. (1976)
GS 8: Ref F 326 .N6 1976
Notable Men of Alabama: Personal and Genealogical with Portraits. (1976)
GS 8: Ref CT 221 .N67 1976
2 vols.
Oates, William Calvin. The War Between the Union and the Confederacy. (1974)
E 487 .O12 1974
15th Alabama Regiment
Pettit, Madge. Pioneers and Residents of West Central Alabama Prior to the Civil War. (1988)
GS 8: F 325 .P48 1988
Pitts, J. R. S. Life and Confessions of the Noted Outlaw, James Copeland. (1980)
F 296 .C67 P57 1980
Includes list of gang members; also earlier printing
Posey, Betty Sue Drake. Alabama 1840 Census Index. (1973)
GS 2: F 325 .P67
Vol. 1 only; includes Barbour, Benton, Chambers, Cherokee, Coosa, Dekalb, Macon, Marshall, Randolph, Russell, Talladega and Tallapoosa counties
Presbyterian Church in the U. S. Synod of Alabama. Minutes.
BX 8957 .A2 P7
1853-63, 1865-71, 1877
Register of the Society of Mississippi Choctaws, 1914, Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society, October 1981: 125-28
GS 18
Saunders, James Edmonds. Early Settlers of Alabama. (1969)
GS 8: Ref F 325 .S28 1969
Second Confederate Infantry Regiment, Valley Leaves, December 1989: 53-56
GS 18
Servies, James Albert. A Bibliography of West Florida. (1978)
Ref Z 1272 .W47 S47 1982
4 vols.; index in vol. 3
Some Anglo-Americans in the Deep South, 1785, Genealogical Helper, September 1982: 5-6; January 1983: 11-12
GS 18
Some Non-French Inhabitants, 1787, Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1963: 37; March 1974: 42-44
GS 18
Southerland, Henry deLeon. The Federal Road through Georgia, the Creek Nation, and Alabama, 1806-1836. (1989)
GS 7: F 326 .S73 1989
history of the St. Stephens Road
Southern Directory Co. Classified Business Directory of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Monroe, Jackson, Vicksburg, Natchez, Meridian, Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Selma, etc ... 1890 and 1900. (1901)
HF 6065 .L8 S63 1899-1900
Steamboats on the Upper Tombigbee in the Early Days, Journal of Mississippi History, October 1942: 216-24
Strickland, Ben. Records of Choctaw Trading Post, St. Stephens, Mississippi Territory, 1803-1815. (1984)
GS 7: F 332 .W4 S77 1984
Strickland, Ben. Records of Choctaw Trading Post, St. Stephens, Mississippi Territory, 1816-1824. (1990)
GS 7: F 332 .W4 S79 1990
The Territorial Papers of the United States. (1934)
E 173 .C3
Vols. 5 and 6 cover the Territory of Mississippi
Tombigbee Settlement, Mississippi Genealogy and Local History, June 1974: 43-44
GS 18
United States. War Dept. Expenditures from the Chickasaw Fund. (1982)
GS 7: E 99 .C55 U5585 1982
Lists purveyors of goods and services for the removal of the Chickasaws from Alabama and Mississippi
Valley Leaves. 1984-85; 1989-90.
GS 18
War of 1812 Pensioners Living in Alabama during the 1880's. (1982)
GS 8: Ref F 325 .W37 1982
West, Anson. A History of Methodism in Alabama. (1893)
BX 8248 .A2 W4
Who’s Who in Alabama. (1965)
Ref F 325 .W46
1965 only
Young, Mary Elizabeth. Redskins, Ruffleshirts and Rednecks. (1961)
E 98 .L3 Y6
Includes purchasers of Indian allotments, 1830-1860

Autauga County

Gray, Daniel S. Autauga County, the First Hundred Years, 1818-1918. (1972)
GS 8: F 332 .A8 G7x
Mims, Wilbur Fisk. War History of the Prattville Dragoons, Company H, Third Alabama Cavalry. (N.d.)
E 551.6 3d .M6

Baldwin County

Breland, Charles G. John Peirce’s Boatyard School, Boatyard Lake, Alabama. (1988)
GS 19: F 332 .B2 B83 1988
Census of Baldwin County, Mississippi Territory, 1810, Journal of Mississippi History, July 1949: 207-13
Lackey, Richard. Baldwin County, Alabama, 1810 Census and 1816 Census. (1966)
GS 2: F 332 .B2 L225 1966
Strickland, Ben. Washington County, Mississippi Territory, 1803-1816 Tax Rolls. (1980)
GS 7: F 347 .W35 S85
Thomas, Oliver U. Alabama Marriages, Baldwin County, 1810-1836, Madison County, 1809-1811, Mobile County, 1813-1821. (1968)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .B2 T56 1968

Barbour County

Foley, Helen S. Bible Records, Barbour County, Alabama. (1976)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .B3 F624
Jackson, Alto Loftin. Clio, Alabama: a History. (1979)
F 334 .C54 J32

Bibb County

Gandrud, Pauline Myra. Marriage Records of Bibb County, Alabama, 1820-1860. (1969)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .B5 G3

Blount County

Blount County Historical Society. The Heritage of Blount County. (1972)
GS 8: F 332 .B56 1972

Butler County

Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Butler County, Alabama Obituaries. (1985)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .B9 B36 1985

Calhoun County

White Plains Cemetery, Family Trails, August 1977: 41
GS 18

Chambers County

Clarke County, Alabama Marriages, 1814-1834. (1970)
GS 8: F 332 .C53 1970
includes Chambers County marriages, 1834-37

Choctaw County

Dawson, James T. Liberty Baptist Association Minutes. (1987)
GS 12: Ref BX 6480 .A22 L524 1839-1877

Clarke County

Abstracts from Oil and Gas Leases, Family Trails, May 1978: 1-7
GS 18
Ball, Timothy Horton. A Glance into the Great South-west. (1962)
GS 8: F 332 .C6 B3 1962
Spine title: Clarke County
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Clarke County, Alabama Records, 1814-1885. (1983)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .C6 B37 1983
Census of Washington County, Mississippi Territory, 1810, Journal of Mississippi History, January 1952: 67-79
Clarke County, Alabama Marriages, 1814-1834. (1970)
GS 8: F 332 .C6 C53 1970
Family Heads, 1810 Census, Mississippi Genealogy and Local History, June 1978: 51-53
GS 18
Massacre at Fort Mims, Family Trails, May 1982: 63
GS 18
Strickland, Ben. Washington County, Mississippi Territory, 1803-1816 Tax Rolls. (1980)
GS 7: F 347 .W35 S85
Tax List, 1813, Family Trails, August 1979: 21-27
GS 18
Tax List, 1813, Mississippi Genealogy and Local History, June 1978: 49-51
GS 18

Cleburne County

Cane Creek Primitive Baptist Cemetery, Family Trails, November 1977: 33-43
GS 18

Coffee County

Hayes, E. Howard. Coffee County, Alabama Cemetery Records. (1998)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .C65 H39 1998

Colbert County

Atkisson Cemetery, Valley Leaves, December 1984: 65
GS 18
Bethel Cemetry, Valley Leaves, December 1984: 66; December 1989: 57-62; March 1990: 111-16; June 1990: 167-70
GS 18
Carter Cemetery, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 160
GS 18
LaGrange College, Valley Leaves, March 1990: 105-10
GS 18
Mississippi Students Who Attended LaGrange College, Colbert County, Alabama, Family Trails, May 1984: 81-82
GS 18
Pride Cemetery, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 159
GS 18
Will Book A, 1869-75, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 5-10; December 1984: 61-64; March 1985: 105-08; June 1985: 155-58
GS 18

Conecuh County

Colson, Lucy Wiggins. Monroe and Conecuh County, Alabama Marriages, 1833-1880. (1983)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .M7 C65 1983
England, Flora D. Alabama Notes. (1977)
GS 8: F 325 .E54 1977
Includes Conecuh County tract book

Cullman County

Leigeber, Kaye Marie Couch. German Colonization: Cullman County, Alabama. (1982)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .C9 L44 1982

Dale County

Mt. Olive Cemetery, Family Trails, August 1978: 30-36
GS 18

Dallas County

Bruister, T. E. People in Dallas County, Ala., in 1829: Index. (1988)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .D3 B78 1988 Index
England, Flora D. Alabama Notes. (1977)
GS 8: F 325 .E54 1977
Includes miscellaneous Dallas County information
Graduating Class of Centenary Institute, 1851, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1991: 174
GS 18
Neville, Bert. A Glance at Old Cahaba. (1967)
F 334 .C2 N4 1967
Selma, Alabama. First presbyterian Church. Manual of the First Presbyterian Church of Selma, Ala. (1892)
BX 9211 .S4 S4
Thomas, Betty Wood. Dallas County, Alabama Marriages, 1818-1845. (1967)
GS 8: F 332 .D3 T46 1967

Decatur County

Public Surveys of Land, 1822-88, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 1-4; December 1984: 57-59; March 1985: 101-04; June 1985: 151-54
GS 18

Fayette County

Hankins, Edith Jackson. Index to Looking Back: Fayette County Alabama 1824-1974.
GS 8: F332.F4 I53 1990Z
Newell, Herbert Moses. History of Fayette County, Alabama. (1960)
GS 8: F 332 .F4 N4
Wiltshire, Betty Couch. Fayette County, Alabama Marriage and Probate Records. (1994)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .F4 W55 1994

Greene County

Beulah Baptist Church Cemetery, Mississippi Cemetery and Bible Records, 1955: 183-84
GS 12: Ref F 340 .M48
Gandrud, Pauline Myra. Marriage Records of Greene County, Alabama, 1823-1860. (1969)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .G7 G3
Marshall, Mary Grantham. Cemetery Records of Greene County, Alabama. (1980)
GS 8: F 332 .G7 M29

Hale County

Marshall, Mary Grantham. Cemetery Records of Greene County, Alabama. (1980)
GS 8: F 332 .G7 M29
includes some cemeteries in Hale County

Henry County

Trawick, David Lewis. A History of Henry County, Alabama, 1795 to 1850. (1971)
F 332 .H4 T73 1971

Jackson County

Birth Records, 1892, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 161-62
GS 18
Clay Cemetery, Valley Leaves, March 1985: 119-20
GS 18
Erwin Cemetery, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 16-17
GS 18
Letters at Bellefonte Postoffice, 1839, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 166
GS 18
Letters at Bellefone Postoffice, 1841, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 18
GS 18
Probate Records, 1858, Valley Leaves, March 1990: 119-21; June 1990: 171-74, 176
GS 18
Roster of Union Soldiers in First Independent Vidette Cavalry, Company A, Valley Leaves, December 1984: 67-70; March 1985: 115-18
GS 18
Unrecorded Deeds, 1870-1905, Valley Leaves, September 1989: 9
GS 18

Lauderdale County

1921 Confederate Census, Valley Leaves, December 1984: 73-76; March 1985: 121-24
GS 18
Deed Book, 1818-22, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 167-69
GS 18
Marriage Books, 1841-42, 1844-49, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 170; September 1989: 13-18; December 1989: 69-72; March 1990: 123-28; June 1990: 177-82
GS 18
Some Will Records, 1858, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 19-21
GS 18

Lawrence County

Deed Book B, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 23-28; December 1984: 77-82; March 1985: 125-29; June 1985: 171-76
GS 18
Deed Book C, 1856, Valley Leaves, September 1989: 19-22; March 1990: 129-34; June 1990: 183-88
GS 18
Notes from Moulton Advertiser, 1896, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 28
GS 18

Limestone County

1921 Confederate Census, Valley Leaves, September 1989: 25-26
GS 18
Candidates, 1859, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 182
GS 18
Death Notices from Athens Post, 1874-77, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 29-30; December 1984: 87-88; March 1985: 133-34
GS 18
Deed Book II, 1825, Valley Leaves, March 1990: 135-38; June 1990: 189-94
GS 18
Excerpts from Union Banner, 1860, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 30
GS 18
Extracts from the Limestone News, 1859, Valley Leaves, September 1989: 27-30
GS 18
Orphans Court Minutes, 1828, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 31-34; December 1984: 83-86; March 1985: 131-32
GS 18
Lentz, Henry Jackson. The Diary of Henry Jackson Lentz. (1983)
F 332 .L6 A33 1983

Lowndes County

Albaugh, June Middleton. Collirene, the Queen Hill. (1977)
F 334 .C6 A4

Madison County

Bell Factory Time Sheets, 1839-41 and 1860 [Partial], Valley Leaves, March 1985: 138-40
GS 18
Captain James Craig’s Muster Roll, 1814, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 38
GS 18
Commissioners Court Minutes, 1831-32, Valley Leaves, September 1989: 31-34; December 1989: 30-36; March 1990: 139-42; June 1990: 195-98
GS 18
Company E, 375h Tennessee Infantry, Valley Leaves, September 1989: 1-3
GS 18
Extracts from the Weekly Democrat, 1896, Valley Leaves, December 1989: 88
GS 18
Goldsmith, Jewell Shelton. Medicine Bags and Bumpy Roads. (1985)
RA 982 .H87 H8 1985
Johnson, Dorothy Scott. Madison County, Alabama Deed Books ... 1810-1819. (1976)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .M3 J64
News, 1864, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 39
GS 18
Old Atcheley Cemetery, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 188
GS 18
Taylor, Thomas Jones. A History of Madison County and Incidentally of North Alabama, 1732-1840. (1976)
GS 8: F 332 .M3 T39 1976
Tennessee Valley Genealogical Society. On the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the State of Alabama. (1969)
GS 8: F 332 .M3 T45x
Thomas, Oliver U. Alabama Marriages, Baldwin County, 1810-1836, Madison County, 1809-1811, Mobile County, 1813-1821. (1968)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .B2 T56 1968

Marengo County

Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Old Demopolis Land Office Records & Military Warrants, 1818-1860 and Records of the Vine and Olive Colony. (1988)
GS 8: Ref F 325 .B355 1988x
Gandrud, Pauline Myra. Marriage Records of Marengo County, Alabama, 1818-1860. (1970)
GS 8: F 332 .M35 G3
Jenkins, Nelle Morris. Marengo County, Alabama Marriages, 1818-1828. (1967)
GS 8: F 332 .M35 J46 1967
Marshall, Mary Grantham. Cemetery Records of Greene County, Alabama. (1980)
GS 8: F 332 .G7 M29 includes some cemeteries in Marengo County

Marshall County

1907 Confederate Census, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 41-44; December 1984: 93-96; March 1985: 141-44
GS 18
Extracts from Guntersville Democrat, 1909, Valley Leaves, December 1989: 94
GS 18
Grand Jury Records, 1838-40, Valley Leaves, December 1989: 89-93; March 1990: 143-48; June 1990: 199-202
GS 18
Marriages, 1869-70, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 189-91
GS 18
Orphans Court Records, 1838-39, Valley Leaves, June 1985: 193
GS 18
Prohibition Petitions, 1897, Valley Leaves, September 1989: 41-42
GS 18

Mobile County

Bergeron, Arthur W. Confederate Mobile. (1991)
F 334 .M6 B47 1991
Davis, Virgil S. A History of the Mobile District 1815 to 1917. (1975)
UG 23 .D3
Mobile District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
De Ville, Winston. Anglo-Americans of Mobile, Alabama, in 1780. (1995)
GS 8: Ref E 184 .B7 D4935 1780s
De Ville, Winston. Gulf Coast Colonials: a Compendium of French Families. (1968)
GS 8: F 334 .M6 D46
Directory of the City of Mobile, 1861, Family Trails, May 1982: 55-58
GS 18
Early Anglo-Americans in the Deep South: Mobile, Alabama in 1780, Genealogical Helper, January 1983: 11-12
GS 18
Higginbotham, Jay. Old Mobile: Fort Louis de la Louisiane, 1702-1711. (1977)
F 334 .M6 H483
Index, Sacramental Records, Archdiocese of Mobile, Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society, February 1992: 9-19; June 1992: 41-58; October 1992: 75-82; March 1993: 1-11; July 1993: 39-49; November 1993: 81-91
GS 18
Index to the Records of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 1704-1828, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 9 (1992), no. 1: i-v, 1-77
GS 18
Letters, 1772, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 5 (1988), no. 2: 74-76
GS 1
Mayes, John R. That’s How It Was in the Turbulent Years. (1972)
F 334 .M7 M39 1972
Miller, Robert Paul. Records of the Deceased Members of St. Frances Street United Methodist Church, 1840-1992. (1992)
GS 8: BX 8481 .M6 M5395 1992
Mobile Church Registers and Their Use, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1975: 148-49
GS 18
Some Non-French Inhabitants of Alabama, 1787, Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1974: 42-44
GS 18
Strickland, Ben. Washington County, Mississippi Territory, 1803-1816 Tax Rolls. (1980)
GS 7: F 347 .W35 S85
Thomas, Oliver U. Alabama Marriages, Baldwin County, 1810-1836, Madison County, 1809-1811, Mobile County, 1813-1821. (1968)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .B2 T56 1968

Monroe County

Abstracts from Oil and Gas Leases, Family Trails, May 1978: 1-7
GS 18
Colson, Lucy Wiggins. Monroe and Conecuh County, Alabama Marriages, 1833-1880. (1983)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .M7 C65 1983
The Monroe Journal Centennial Ediction, 1866-1966. (1966)
oversize WV: F 332 .M7 M66 1966
Strickland, Ben. Washington County, Mississippi Territory, 1803-1816 Tax Rolls. (1980)
GS 7: F 347 .W35 S85

Montgomery County

Businesses, Family Trails, November 1978: 17
GS 18
Four Frontiersmen at Fort Toulouse in 1738, Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1993: 380-90
GS 18
Postmasters of Principal Towns, Gulf States Historical Magazine, July 1902: 38-40
Thomas, Elizabeth Wood. Montgomery County, Alabama, 1830 Census Index. (1964)
F 332 .M73 T565 1964

Morgan County

1921 Confederate Census, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 49; December 1984: 97-100; March 1985: 149-50
GS 18
Death Records, 1893-94, Valley Leaves, September 1989: 43-47; December 1989: 99-100; March 1990: 149-54; June 1990: 203-08
GS 18
Marriages, 1840, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 45-47
GS 18
Nitre Works, 1864, Valley Leaves, September 1984: 15
GS 18
Orphas Court Records, 1818, Valley Leaves, March 1985: 145-48; June 1985: 195-200
GS 18

Perry County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 1
Perryville Beat No. 11 and Severe Beat No. 8 only
Thomas, Betty Wood. Perry County, Alabama Marriages, 1820-1832. (1966)
GS 8: F 332 .P45 T46 1966
Tragic Accident, Northeast Mississippi Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, March 1993: 109
GS 18

Pickens County

Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Pickens County, Alabama, 1841-1861. (1984)
GS 8: F 332 .P5 B37 1984
Bethany Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Mississippi Cemetery and Bible Records, 1960: 189-96
GS 12: Ref F 340 .M48
Johnson, John F. The John F. Johnson Journal of 1902. (1984)
F 347 .W45 J6355
Marshall, Mary Grantham. Cemetery Records of Greene County, Alabama. (1980)
GS 8: F 332 .G7 M29
includes some cemeteries in Pickens County
Smith, Nelson Foot. History of Pickens County, Ala. (1856)
vault: F 332 .P5 S6
Wyatt, R. R. The Autobiography of a Little Man. (1939)
F 332 .P5 W883 A3

Pike County

Pike County, Alabama Cemetery Records. (1998)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .P55 P55 1998

Randolph County

Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Historical Records of Randolph County, Alabama, 1832-1900. (1985)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .R3 B37 1985

St. Clair County

Liberty Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Mississippi Cemetery and Bible Records, 1960: 113
GS 12: Ref F 340 .M48
Sisson, Rubye Hall Edge. St. Clair County Marriages, 1818-1899. (1990)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .S2 S57 1990

Sumter County

Clay Cemetery, Family Trails, May 1981: 47-57
GS 18
Dawson, James T. History of Oxford Presbyterian Church. (1990)
GS 8: Ref BX 9211 .C82 D38 1840-1931
Dawson, James T. Liberty Baptist Association Minutes. (1987)
GS 12: Ref BX 6480 .A22 L524 1839-1877
Dawson, James T. Liberty Baptist Church, Sumter County, Alabama. (1992)
GS 8: Ref BX 6480 .A22 L52 1829-1918
Dawson, Jamees T. Sumter County, Alabama, Voting Lists. (1988)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .S8 D38 (3 vols; 1834-1861)
England, Flora D. Alabama Notes. (1977)
GS 8: F 325 .E54 1977
Includes some Sumter County cemeteries
Marshall, Mary Grantham. Cemetery Records of Greene County, Alabama. (1980)
GS 8: F 332 .G7 M29
Includes some Sumter County cemeteries

Tallapoosa County

Alabama Records. (1981)
GS 8: F 325 .A4 v. 212
Tallapoosa County marriages, 1835-45

Tuscaloosa County

Gandrud, Pauline Myra. Marriage Records of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, 1832-1860. (1968)
GS 8: F 332 .T9 G34
McEachin, Archibald Bruce. The History of Tuscaloosa, 1816-1880. (1977)
GS 8: F 334 .T9 M33 1977
United States. Bureau of the Census. Census for 1830 for Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. (N.d.)
Ref F 332 .T9 U55 1830
Includes 1840 census

Walker County

Walker County Cemeteries. (1982)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .W3 W34 1982 

Washington County

Dawson, James T. Liberty Baptist Association Minutes. (1987)
GS 12: Ref BX 6480 .A22 L524 1839-1877
1808 Territorial Census, Mississippi Records, July 1990: 61-63
GS 18
Abstracts from Oil and Gas Leases, Family Trails, May 1978: 1-7
GS 18
Census of Washington County, Mississippi Territory, 1810, Journal of Mississippi History, January 1952: 67-79
Dawson, James T. Liberty Baptist Association Minutes. (1987)
GS 12: Ref BBX 6480 .A22 L524 1839-1877
Family Heads, 1810 Census, Mississippi Genealogy and Local History, June 1978: 51-53
GS 18
The History of Washington County. (1989)
GS 8: Ref F 332 .W4 H57
Vol. 2 only
Strickland, Ben. Records of Choctaw Trading Post, St. Stephens, Mississippi Territory, 1803-1815. (1984)
GS 7: F 332 .W4 S77 1984
Includes 1808 and 1810 censuses of Washington County
Strickland, Ben. Washington County, Mississippi Territory, 1803-1816 Tax Rolls. (1980)
GS 7: F 347 .W35 S85
Thomas, Elizabeth Wood. Washington County, Alabama, 1810 Census, Part of 1801 and 1808 Census. (1966)
GS 8: F 332 .W4 T565 1966 
Washington County, Alabama Marriages, 1826-1856. (N.d.)
GS 8: F 332 .W4 W35

Wilcox County

Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Records of Wilcox County, Alabama. (1988)
GS 8: Ref F 332. W5 B37 1988


Genealogy Sources in Alaska, Genealogical Helper, May 1984: 5-12
GS 18
Recent Louisiana Obituaries from Alaska Newspapers, Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1992: 270
GS 18


Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
240 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; Arizona is included in the New Mexico Territory on the 1850 census; ask for specific surnames

Graham County

Homestead Records of Graham County, Territory of Arizona, 1881-1912, Genealogical Helper, July 1975: 373-74
GS 18


Arkansas Census, 1723, Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1961: 17
GS 18
Census Index, 1830 [United Staates, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
84 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
117 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850-1850 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX 201 .U542 1850-1860
1850 only; 79 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Confederate Soldiers Who Died in Elmira Prison Camp, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 7 (1990), no. 4: 20-24; vol. 8 (1991), no. 1: 16-20; vol. 8 (1991), no. 2: 1-3; vol. 8 (1991), no. 3: 77-81; vol. 9 (1992), no. 2: 24-26; vol. 9 (1992), no. 3: 40-42
GS 18

Ouachita County

Johnson, John F. The John F. Johnson Journal of 1902. (1984)
F 347 .W45 J6355

Pulaski County

Counts, Gloria. A Compendium of Arkansas Genealogy. (1977)
GS 17: Ref F 417 .P98 C68
Includes Oakland cemetery; Fletcher-Baldwin Cemetery, 1871 Little Rock directory

Washington County

Roster of Soldiers Known to Be Buried in the Confederate Cemetery at Fayetteville, Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1993: 333
GS 18


Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
240 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Louisiana Natives Arrival in California, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1989: 183-89
GS 18
Residents of Pontotoc County [Mississippi] in California Gold Rush, Northeast Mississippi Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, vol. 5, no. 4: 170    GS 18

Los Angeles County

Lyon, Elijah Wilson. The History of Pomona College, 1887-1969. (1977)
LD 4571 .P32 L84


Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
152 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
57 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
84 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
117 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index,1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
140 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other states; ask for specific surnames
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: Connecticut. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 99 .U5 1966


Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
152 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; includes Delaware 1800-1810 only; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
57 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
84 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
117 fiche; A.I.S. inces to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
140 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
De Valinger, Leon. Reconstructed 1790 Census of Delaware. (1962)
GS 2: Ref F 163 .D48 1962
Maddux, Gerald. 1800 Census: Delaware. (1964)
GS 2: Ref F 163 .M32
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Delaware. The Diocese of Delaware: Its Historical, Parish and Mission Churches. (1934)
BX 5917 .D4 E65x 1934
Weis, Frederick Lewis. The Colonial Clergy of Maryland, Delaware, and Georgia. (1950)
GS 6: BR 520 .W43

Kent County

Delaware. County Court (Kent County). Court Records of Kent County, Delaware, 1680-1705. (1959)
GS 17: KFD 516 .K4 A7 1680

New Castle County

Historical Society of Delaware. The Records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, Del., from 1697 to 1773. (1890)
F 167 .H57 1890
Includes English records from 1773 to 1810


American Families at Four Frontier Posts, Genealogical Helper, November 1983: 5-13
GS 18
The Black Experience: a Guide to Afro-American Resources in the Florida State Archives. (1988)
guides (reference): CD 3174 .B58 1988
British West Florida Abstracts of Land Petitions, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1984: 136-54; September 1984: 263-71
GS 18
British West Florida Miscellaneous Records, Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1984: 309-22
GS 18
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
84 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
117 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850-1860 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
1850 only; 79 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Confederate Soldiers Who Died in Elmira Prison Camp, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 7 (1990), no. 4: 20-24; vol. 8 (1991), no. 1: 16-20; vol. 8 (1991), no. 2: 1-3; vol. 8 (1991), no. 3: 77-81; vol. 9 (1992), no. 2: 24-26; vol. 9 (1992), no. 3: 40-42
GS 18
De Ville, Winston. British Burials and Births on the Gulf Coat: Records of the Church of England in West Florida, 1768-1770. (1986)
GS 8: F 301 .D39 1986
De Ville, Winston. West Florida Landowners in Mississippi and Louisiana, ca. 1780. (1986)
GS 7: Ref F 341 .D4935 1986c
Florida Newspapers in the Library of Congress, Gulf States Historical Magazine, January 1903: 277-80
Foote, Henry S. The Bench and Bar of the South and Southwest. (1876)
F 396 .F68 1876
Gulf States Historical Magazine. 1902-04
Holcomb, Brent. Death and Obituary Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate, 1867-1878. (1993)
GS 7: Ref F 216 .H642 1993
Hughes, Dudley J. Oil in the Deep South: a History of the Oil Business in Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, 1859-1945. (1993)
HD 9567 .M7 H84 1993
Landholders of Surveyed Tracts in British West Florida, 1772, Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1985: 9-15, 44
GS 18
Smith, George Gilman. The History of Methodism in Georgia and Florida, from 1785 to 1865. (1877)
BX 8248 .G4 S65
Trotter, Martha Pope. Faithful Servants: the Story of Florida Women’s Missionary Union. (1994)
BX 6248 .F56 T76 1994

Alachua County

Records of Effingham County, Georgia. (1976)
GS 9: F 292 .E3 R3772
Includes Alachua County wills

Duval County

Records of Effingham County, Georgia. (1976)
GS 9: F 292 .E3 R3772
Includes Duval County marriages

Escambia County

Postmasters of Principal Towns, Gulf States Historical Magazine, July 1902: 38-40


1820 Census [Fourth Census of the U.S., 1820]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1820 .A2
5 reels; indexed by Census Index, 1820 [NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829]
1830 Census [Fifth Census of the U.S., 1830]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1830 .A2
6 reels; indexed by Census Index, 1830 [NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839]
1840 Census [Sixth Census of the U.S., 1840]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1840 .A2
5 reels; indexed by Census Index, 1840 [NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849]
1850 Census [Seventh Census of the U.S., 1850]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1850 .A2
27 reels (free schedules); 9 reels (slave schedules); indexed by Census Index, 1850-1860 [NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860]
1860 Census [Eighth Census of the U.S., 1860]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1860 .A2
30 reels (free schedules); 12 reels (slave schedules)
1870 Census [Ninth Census of the U.S., 1870]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1870 .A2
51 reels
1880 Census [Tenth Census of the U.S., 1880]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1880 .A2
39 reels
1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2
Reel 3 contains Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia
1900 Census [Twelfth Census of the U.S., 1900]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1900 .A2
53 reels
Austin, Jeannette Holland. Georgia Bible Records. (1985)
GS 9: Ref F 285 .A889 1985
Austin, Jeannette Holland. Georgia Intestate Records. (1986)
GS 9: Ref F 285 .A8895 1986
Austin, Jeannette Holland. Index to Georgia Wills. (1985)
GS 9: Ref F 285 .A9 1985
Cadle, Farris W. Georgia Land Surveying History and Law. (1991)
GS 9: KFG 127.5 .C33 1991
Campbell, Jesse H. Georgia Baptists: Historical and Biographical. (1874)
BX 6248 .G43 1874
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
57 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; indexes 1820 Census [NFX HA 201 1820 .A2]; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
84 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; indexes 1830 Census [NFX HA 201 1830 .A2]; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
117 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; indexes 1840 Census [NFX HA 201 1840 .A2]; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850-1860 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
79 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; indexes only  1850 Census [NFX HA 201 1850 .A2]; ask for specific surnames
Confederate Soldiers Who Died in Elmira Prison Camp, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 7 (1990), no. 4: 20-24; v. 8 (1991), no. 1: 16-20; vol. 8 (1991), no. 2: 1-3; vol. 8 (1991), no. 3: 77-81; vol. 9 (1992), no. 2: 24-26; vol. 9 (1992), no. 3: 40-42
GS 18
Coulter, E. Merton. A List of Early Settlers of Georgia (1949)
GS 9: F 285 .C78
Davis, Robert Scott. The Georgia Black Book. (1982-87)
GS 9: F 285 .D24 1982
2 vols.; unusual sources including prison and hospital lists, legislative actions, etc.
Davis, Robert Scott. A Researcher’s Library of Georgia History, Genealogy and Records Sources. (1987). 2 vols.
Information from a wide variety of sources
GS 9: Ref F 285 .D26 1987
Delwyn Associates. Substitutes for Georgia’s Lost 1790 Census. (1975)
GS 2: F 285 .S83 1975
Family Tree Maker Marriage Index: AL, GA, SC 1641-1944. (1944). 1 CD
Records come from a variety of sources and may not be a complete listing of all marriages occuring in these states for this time period
Reference desk: CSX F 208 .F365 1995
Family Tree Maker Marriage Index, Georgia: 1754-1850. (1995). 1 CD
Records come from a variety of sources and may not be a complete listing for all marriages occuring for this time period
Reference desk: CSX F 285 .F36 1995
Georgia. Dept. of Archives and History. Georgia’s Roster of the Revolution. (1967)
GS 5: E 263 .G3 G3 1967
Georgia Historical Society. Index to United States Census of Georgia for 1820. (1963)
GS 2: F 285 .G38
History of the Baptist Denomination in Georgia. (1881)
F 285 .H67
Holcomb, Brent. Death and Obituary Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate, 1867-1878. (1993)
GS 7: Ref F 216 .H642 1993
Huxford, Folks. Genealogical Material from Legal Notices in Early Georgia Newspapers. (1989)
GS 9: Ref F 285 .H78 1989
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Colonial Georgia Marriage Records. (1985)
GS 9: Ref F 285 .I63 1985
Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 8 includes list of members of the Georgia Navy of the Civil War and miscellaneous Bible records
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
McCall, Ettie Tidwell. Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia. (1941)
GS 5: Ref E 263 .G3 M23
National Society Colonial Dames of America in the State of Georgia. Abstracts of Colonial Wills of the State of Georgia, 1733-1777. (1962)
GS 9: F 285 .N3
Passports Issued by Governors of Georgia, 1785 to 1809. (1959)
CS 42 .N43 no. 21
2 vols.; has been replaced by Passports of Southeastern Pioneers, 1770-1823 [Ref F 208 .P65 1982]
Register, Alvaretta Kenan. Index to the 1830 Census of Georgia. (1974)
GS 2: Ref F 285 .R39
Reprint of the Official Register of Land Lottery of Georgia, 1827. (1967)
GS 9: F 290 .R42 1967
Research in Georgia, Southwestern Genealogist, October 1976: 14-16
GS 18
Rupp, I. Daniel. A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727-1776. (1965)
GS 3: F 152 .R9614 1965
Includes some immigrants to Georgia
Sheffield, Eileen. 1840 Index to Georgia Census. (1971)
GS 2: F 285 .S5 1971
Smith, George Gilman. The History of Methodism in Georgia and Florida, from 1785 to 1865. (1877)
BX 8248 .G4 S65
Smith, James F. The Cherokee Land Lottery. (1969)
GS 9: F 285 .S64 1969
Southerland, Henry deLeon. The Federal Road through Georgia, the Creek Nation, and Alabama, 1806-1836. (1989)
GS 7: F 326 .S73 1989
St. Stephens Road
State Officers’ Appointments, 1778, Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1976: 351
GS 18
Townsend, Brigid S. Indexes to Seven State Census Reports for Counties in Georgia, 1838-1845. (1975)
GS 2: Ref F 285 .T68
Waddel, Moses. A Register of Marriages Celebrated & Solemnized by Moses Waddel, D.D., in South Carolina and Georgia. (1943)
GS 7: F 268 .W3
Warren, Mary Bondurant. Marriages and Deaths Abstracted from Extant Georgia Newspapers. (1968)
GS 9: Ref F 285 .W3
Vol. 2 (1820-1830) only
Weis, Frederick Lewis. The Colonial Clergy of Maryland, Delaware, and Georgia. (1950)
GS 6: BR 520 .W43

Appling County

Huxford, Folks. Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia. (1988)
GS 9: F 285 .H8

Baker County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 5 includes some miscellaneous records
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Baldwin County

Charter Members of Camp Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1961: 5
GS 18
Historical Notes of Milledgeville, Georgia, Gulf States Historical Magazine, November 1903: 161-71
Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 5 includes 1810 tax list
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Bibb County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 3 includes wills, 1823-55, and marriages, 1827-39; vol. 5 includes marriages, 1838-58 and Will Book B
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
Mississippi Confederates Buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Family Trails, May 1986: 61; February 1987: 104-05
GS 18

Bullock County

Records of Effingham County, Georgia. (1976)
GS 9: F 292 .E3 R3772
Includes some Bullock County deed records

Burke County

Davis, Robert Scott. The Families of Burke County, 1755-1855. (1981)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .B95 D38 1981
Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 4 includes census indexes, 1820-40, marriages, 1855-69, and other records; vol. 8 includes Yazoo land fraud protestors and Bark Camp Baptist Church records
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
Powell, Lillian Lewis. Grave Markers in Burke County, Georgia. (1974)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .B95 P68

Butts County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 3 includes estate records, 1821-41, early deeds and some marriages; vol. 4 includes Deed Book B
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Camden County

Huxford, Folks. Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia. (1988)
GS 9: F 285 .H8
Oak Grove Cemetery, Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1982: 25-26
GS 18
Records of Effingham County, Georgia. (1976)
GS 9: F 292 .E3 R3772
Includes some Camden County marriages

Chatham County

Georgia Analytical Repository, 1802-03, Family Trails, February 1985: 1-3
GS 18
La Far, Mabel Freeman. Abstracts of Wills, Chatham County, Georgia, 1773-1817. (1963)
GS 9: F 292 .C36 L30 1963
Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 8 includes inventories and appraisements
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Cherokee County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes voters list, 1832, 1834 state census, marriages 1840-49, and Superior Court minutes, 1832
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Clarke County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 2 includes wills, administrators’ bonds, and marriages; vol. 7 includes deaths, 1834-77, estates 1801-1923, school records 1823 and 1827, and 1810 tax list
Note: errors in Vol. 7 index; see explanation opposite copyright page in that volume
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
Stegeman, John H. These Men She Gave. (1964)
GS 9: F 294 .A7 S8
Includes Civil War rosters
Warren, Mary Bondurant. Marriage Book A (1805-1821), Clarke County, Georgia. (1966)
GS 9: F 292 .C5 W3

Cobb County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes 1834 state census, marriages, 1865-76, estate index, 1865-1900, Inferior Court index, 1865-77, and bonds, 1855-77
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Colquitt County

Confederate Soldiers in Colquitt County, Georgia. (1980)
GS 9: Ref E 548 .C65

Columbia County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 1 includes deeds and marriages; vol. 4 includes wills, 1803-24
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
Records of Effingham County, Georgia. (1976)
GS 9: F 292 .E3 R3772
Includes some Columbia County marriages

Dawson County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes wills and bonds, 1857; vol. 7 includes marriages, 1858-83
Note: errors in vol. 7 index; see explanation opposite copyright page in that volume
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Early County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 5 includes marraiges, 1834-50
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Effingham County

Records of Effingham County, Georgia. (1976)
GS 9: F 292 .E3 R3772
Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 9 includes some cemetery records
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Elbert County

McIntosh, John Hawes. The Official History of Elbert County, 1790-1935, Supplement 1935-1939. (1968)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .E4 M17 1968

Emanuel County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 4 includes marriages, 1817-70, and tax digest, 1841
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Fayette County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 3 includes will index, 1822-1897, marriages 1823-32, and a docket of the Court of Ordinary
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Forsyth County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes wills, 1833-44, 1834 state census, and marriages
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Franklin County

Acker, Martha Walters. Franklin County, Georgia, Court of Ordinary Records, 1787-1849. (1989)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .F8 A23 1989
Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 7 includes deeds, miscellaneous estate records, 1827 land lottery registrants, reconstructed 1820 census, and some Superior Court records, 1787-1863
Note: errors in vol. 7 index; see note opposite copyright page in that volume
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Fulton County

Casualty Report from the Battle of Peachtree Creek, 1864, Family Trails, February 1981: 43-49
GS 18

Gilmer County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes 1834 state census index
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Glynn County

Huxford, Folks. Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia. (1988)
GS 9: F 285 .H8

Gordon County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes deeds, marriages, and marriage and death notices from the Southern Christian Advocate
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Greene County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 2 includes deeds, wills, miscellaneous records, marriages, and indexes to estates that do not occur in regular court indexes; vol. 4 includes Deed Book B, and marriages, 1787-1875
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
Marriage Records of Greene County, Georgia (1787-1875) and Oglethorpe County, Georgia (1795-1852). (1985).
Spine title: Historical Collections of the Georgia Chapters, DAR, v. 5)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .G7 M37 1995

Gwinnett County

Gwinnett County, Georgia, Inferior Court Minutes for Ordinary Purposes, 1819-1861. (1987)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .G9 M33 1987
Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes early insolvents and tax defaulters, and marriages 1835-38
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Habersham County

Kimzey, Herbert B. Habersham County, Georgia, Genealogical Records. (1969)
GS 9: F 292 .H2 K5
2 vols.
Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 7 includes abstracts of wills and Court of Ordinary minutes, early deeds, 1820 census, and Gold Lottery
Note: errors in vol. 7 index; see note opposite copyright page in that volume
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Hall County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes marriages, 1819-32
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Hancock County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 1 includes deeds, 1793-95 and estate records 1794-1804; vol. 4 includes estate records
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Henry County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 3 includes early deeds and an index to bonds and wills, 1822-1834
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Irwin County

Huxford, Folks. Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia. (1988)
GS 9: F 285 .H8

Jasper County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 2 includes Ordinary Court minutes and wills and other estate records; vol. 4 includes loose wills and estate papers and deeds
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Jefferson County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 1 includes wills, 1777, 1796-1824, and jurors, 1797, 1799
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
Powell, Lillian Lewis. Grave Markers in Burke County, Georgia. (1974)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .B95 P68

Jenkins County

Powell, Lillian Lewis. Grave Markers in Burke County, Georgia. (1974)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .B95 P68

Jones County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 5 includes deeds 1807-10
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Lincoln County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 7 includes grantor deed index 1796-1860, Ordinary estate records, 1800-32, index to Superior Court deeds and mortgages, 1796-99
Note: error in vol. 7 index; see note opposite copyright page in that volume
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
Smith, Sarah Q. Early Georgia Wills: Lincoln County. (1960)
GS 9: F 292 .L63 S65 1960

Lumpkin County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes 1834 state census
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Macon County

Rocker, Willard R. Marriages and obituaries from the Macon Messenger, 1818-1865. (1988)
GS 9: F 285 .R63 1988
Stevenson, R. Randolph. The Southern Side. (1876)
E 612 .A5 S9
Includes list of Union prisoners at Andersonville

Marion County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 5 includes marriages, 1844-66
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Monroe County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 3 includes early deeds; vol. 5 includes deeds, 1823-24 and marriages
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Montgomery County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 8 includes taxpayers, 1833-34
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Morgan County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 2 includes some marriages; vol. 4 includes some will abstracts; vol. 5 includes wills, 1812-14; vol. 9 includes map, Superior Court deeds, 1806-11, and 1810 tax digest
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Murray County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes 1834 state census and jurrors, 1837 and 1839; vol. 8 includes jurrors, 1837 and 1839 (vol. 6 listing shows those marked off)
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Muscogee County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.) Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 Reel 3
Reel 3 contains Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia

Newton County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 3 includes wills, 1823-51
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Oglethorpe County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 2 includes wills, 1793-1807; vol. 7 includes Superior Court deeds, 1794-98 and Revolutionary War bounty land drawings; vol. 8 includes estate papers
Note: error in vol. 7 index; see note opposite copyright page in that volume
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
Marriage Records of Greene County, Georgia (1787-1875) and Oglethorpe County, Georgia (1795-1852). (1985). Spine title: Historical Collections of the Georgia Chapters, DAR, v. 5)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .G7 M37 1995
Smith, Sarah Q. Oglethorpe County. (1962)
GS 9: F 292 .O4 S634 1962
Wills, administrations and deeds
Warren, Mary Bondurant. 1800 Census of Oglethorpe County, Georgia. (1965)
GS 9: F 292 .O4 W3

Paulding County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes 1838 state census, and vital records from the Paulding New Era, 1883-93
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Pickens County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes lost marriage records
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Pike County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 3 includes tax returns for Griffin, 1845-46
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Putnam County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 2 includes wills, 1808-1857
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Rabun County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes 1830 census
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Randolph County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 2 includes some estate records; vol. 5 includes marriages, 1837-1861
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Richmond County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 4 includes marriages, 1785-1869
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82
Powell, Lillian Lewis. Grave Markers in Burke County, Georgia. (1974)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .B95 P68
Walker, Alice O. Personal Name Index to the Augusta Chronicle (Augusta, Georgia). (1987-88)
GS 9: Ref F 285 .W25 1987
3 vols.

Screven County

Powell, Lillian Lewis. Grave Markers in Burke County, Georgia. (1974)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .B95 P68
Records of Effingham County, Georgia. (1976)
GS 9: F 292 .E3 R3772
Includes some Screven County wills and marriages

Talbot County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 5 includes wills, 1827-56
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Telfair County

Head, John C. Telfair County, Georgia, Marriage Records, 1810-1902. (1986)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .T35 H43 1986

Upson County

Nottingham, Carolyn Walker. History of Upson County, Georgia. (1969)
GS 9: F 292 .U6 N92 1969
Includes 1830 and 1850 censuses

Walton County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes loose marriage records
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Warren County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 1 includes marriages, deeds, administrators’ bonds, wills, and Inferior Court minutes; vol. 9 includes deeds
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Washington County

De Lamar, Marie. Records of Washington County, Georgia. (1985)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .W25 D45 1985
Includes indexes to 1820-1850 censuses
Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 8 includes marriages, 1828-52
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Wayne County

Huxford, Folks. Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia. (1988)
GS 9: F 285 .H8

Whitfield County

Lucas, S. Emmett. Some Georgia County Records. (1977-    ). 9 vols.
Vol. 6 includes early marriages
GS 9: Ref F 285 .L82

Wilkes County

Davis, Robert Scott. The Wilkes County Papers, 1773-1833. (1979)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .W7 D38
Franklin, Jimmie Tucker. Phillip’s Mill Baptist Church Minutes, 1785-1850. (1995)
GS 9: F 292 .W7 F7355 1785-1850
Smith, Sarah Q. Early Georgia Wills and Settlement of Estates, Wilkes County. (1959)
GS 9: F 292 .W7 S65 1959
Also earlier printing

Wilkinson County

Davidson, Victor. History of Wilkinson County. (1997)
GS 9: Ref F 292 .W75 D25 1997

Santa Rosa County

Cemetery near Ft. Pickens, Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1961: 36-37
GS 18


Blanchard, Ira. I Marched with Sherman. (1992)
E 505.5 20th .B53 1992
20th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Civil War
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
57 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
84 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
117 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [Midwestery & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
240 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
IRAD: Illinois Regional Archives Depository System, Genealogical Helper, November 1988: 5-6
GS 18
Quisenberry, Anderson Chenault. Revolutionary Soldiers in Kentucky. (1968)
GS 5: E 255 .Q5 1968
Includes officers from Illinois

Coles County

Marriage Record Book of Rev. R. F. Patterson, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1990: 111-31
GS 18

Cook County

General Directory and Business Advertiser of the City of Chicago for the Year 1844. (1902)
Ref F 548.2 .A1844a
Known Mississippians Who Died in Camp Douglas Prison, 1861-65, Family Trails, November 1989: 77-86
GS 18
Praus, Alexis A. Confederate Soldiers, Sailors and Civilians Who Died as Prisoners of War at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill., 1862-1865. (1968)
GS 5: E 616 .D7 C68

McDonough County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.) Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Reel 3, includes Mound Township

Macoupin County

Louisiana-born Residents of Macoupin County, Illinois, 1860, Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1985: 208; March 1989: 48
GS 18
Mississippi-born Residents of Macoupin County, Illinois, 1860, Family Trails, February 1985: 55
GS 18

Madison County

Known Mississippians Who Died in Prison in Alton, Illinois, 1861-1865, Family Trails, February 1988: 65-59
GS 18

Rock Island County

Mississippians Who Died Prisoners at Rock Island, Illinois, Family Trails, August 1985: 97-102
GS 18
Civil War prisoners of war

Sangamon County

Known Mississippians Who Died at Camp Butler Prison, Family Trails, August 1988: 51
GS 18
Civil War prisoners of war

Whiteside County

Holbrook Cemetery, Mississippi Cemetery and Bible Records, 1960: 128
GS 12: Ref F 340 .M48


Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
84 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
117 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [Midwestery & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
240 fiche; A.I.S. index to census and other records; ask for specific surnames
How to Successfully Research in Iowa before 1850, Genealogical Helper, September 1978: 8-12
GS 18
Researching an Iowa Doughboy, Genealogical Helper, March 1991: 12-14
GS 18


Decker, Eugene Donald. Selected Annotated Bibliography of Sources in the Kansas State Historical Society Pertaining to Kansas in the Civil War. (N.d.)
guides (reference): Ref Z 1285 .D4


Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to 1810 census only for Kentucky; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
A.I.S. index to 1850 census only for Kentucky; 79 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Clift, G. Glenn. A Second Census of Kentucky, 1800. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 450 .C56 1966
Based on tax lists of 1800
Confederate Soldiers Who Died in Elmira Prison Camp, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 7 (1990), no. 4: 20-24; vol. 8 (1991), no. 1: 16-20; vol. 8 (1991), no. 2: 1-3; vol. 8 (1991), no. 3: 77-81; vol. 9 (1992), no. 2: 24-26; vol. 9 (1992), no. 3: 40-42
GS 18
Family Tree Maker Marriage Index: KY, NC, TN, VA, WV, 1728-1850. (1995). 1 CD
Records come from a variety of sources and may not be a complete listing of all marriages occuring in these states for this time period
Reference desk: CSX F 208 .F36 1995
Heinemann, Charles Brunk.  First Census of Kentucky, 1790. (1965)
GS 2: Ref F 450 .H45 1965
Tax lists used to reconstruct some counties
Kentucky Historical Society. Kentucky Marriages, 1797-1865. (1966)
GS 17: F 450 .K44
King, Junie Estelle Stewart. Abstracts of Early Kentucky Wills and Inventories. (1961)
GS 17: Ref F 450 .K56 1961
Louisiana-related Marriages in Kentucky, 1797-1865, Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1975: 64-66
GS 18
Mosgrove, George Dallas. Kentucky Cavaliers in Dixie. (1957)
E 605 .M88 1957
4th Kentucky Cavalry (C.S.A.)
Quisenberry, Anderson Chenault. Revolutionary Soldiers in Kentucky. (1968)
GS 5: E 255 .Q5 1968
Redford, Albert H. Western Cavaliers: Embracing the History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Kentucky from 1832 to 1844. (1876)
BX 8248 .K4 R419
Wilkinson Letter, Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1981: 301-04
GS 18

Boyle County

Cemeteries, Mississippi Cemetery and Bible Records, 1957: 146-47
GS 12: Ref F 340 .M48

Christian County

Neel, Eurie Pearl Wilford. The Wilford-Williford Family Treks into America. (1959)
GS 19: CS 71 .W676 1959
Includes reprint of Perrin’s Counties of Christian and Trigg, Kentucky

Franklin County

Coleman, Lena Mae. A History of Kentucky State College for Negroes. (1938)
LD 2750 .K32 C64

Trigg County

Neel, Eurie Pearl Wilford. The Wilford-Williford Family Treks into America. (1959)
GS 19: CS 71 .W676 1959
Includes reprint of Perrin’s Counties of Christian and Trigg, Kentucky


"1722 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1962: 28
GS 18
"1774 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1966: 65-66
GS 18
In French
"1790 Census of Ouachita Post," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1982: 21-24
GS 18
1810 Census [Third Census of the U.S., 1810]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1810 .A2
1 reel; indexed by A.I.S. Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819]
"1812 Pensioners in 1883," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1967: 13
GS 18
1820 Census [Fourth Census of the U.S., 1820]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1820 .A2
3 reels; indexed by A.I.S. Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829]
1830 Census [Fifth Census of the U.S., 1830]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1830 .A2
3 reels; indexed by A.I.S. Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839]
1840 Census [Sixth Census of the U.S., 1840]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1840 .A2
9 reels; indexed by A.I.S. Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849]
1850 Census [Seventh Census of the U.S., 1850]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1850 .A2
13 reels (free schedule); 6 reels (slave schedule); free schedules indexed by A.I.S. Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860]
1860 Census [Eigth Census of the U.S., 1860]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1860 .A2
20 reels (free schedule); 5 reels (slave schedule)
1870 Census [Ninth Census of the U.S.]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1870 .A2
31 reels
1880 Census [Tenth Census of the U.S., 1880]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1880 .A2
28 reels
1900 Census [Twelfth Census of the U.S., 1900]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1900 .A2
33 reels
"Abstracts from Diocese Records, 1782-1803," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1971: 201-10; December 1971: 302-09; March 1972: 2-18
GS 18
"Abstracts of Land Petitions, British West Florida," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1971: 318-37; March 1972: 86-89; June 1972: 162-67; September 1972: 239-48; December 1972: 339-48; March 1973: 1-8
GS 18
"Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Reports," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1960: 12-13; June 1960: 22; September 1960: 37-38
GS 18
"Acadian Exiles and French Prisoners," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1963: 33-34
GS 18
"Acadians at St. Gabriel," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1986: 211-18
GS 18
"Acadians in France," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 172-76
GS 18
"Acts of the Legislature, 1804-27," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1990: 260-68
GS 18
"Anglo-American Settlement of North America," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1989: 108-17
GS 18
"L’anse aux Outardes," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1975: 35-43
GS 18
"Applicants for 1812 State Pensions," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1968: 1-3; June 1968: 14-16; September 1968: 125-26; December 1968: 147-48
GS 18
"Arrival of the Acadians in Louisiana," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1985: 319-29
GS 18
Belson, John A. Genealogical Research in New Orleans. (1972)
F 379 .N5 B45 1972
"Benchmark Locations, 1893," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1976: 202-10
GS 18
"British Settlers on Lake Pontchartrain, 1779," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1984: 201
GS 18
"British West Florida Miscellaneous Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1984: 309-22
GS 18
Bulletin of the Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society. (1954)
GS 18
Became Genealogical Register; articles indexed separately
"Captain Laughlin’s Company, Louisiana Militia, War of 1812," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1959: 19
GS 18
Carter, Hodding. So Great a Good: a History of the Episcopal Church in Louisiana and of Christ Church Cathedral, 1805-1955. (1955)
BX 5918 .L8 C3
"Cattle Brands of Early Acadian Settlers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1992: 231-40
GS 18
Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames; 1810 only for Louisiana
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850-1860 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 79 fiche; includes only ; 1850 for Louisiana; ask for specific surnames
"Census of the Apalaches at Rapides, 1774," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1993: 63
GS 18
"Census of the Concession of Ste. Reyne," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1963: 38
GS 18
"Central Louisiana Landowners, 1792," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1992: 218-23
GS 18
"Chronology," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1992: 1-27
GS 18
"Company D, 85th Battn., Louisiana Heavy Artillery, C.S.A.," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1992:  119-32
GS 18
"Company H, 28th Regiment," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1961: 20-21
GS 18
"Confederate Pension Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1990: 170-87; September 1990: 238-57; December 1990: 332-46; March 1991: 83-92; June 1991: 141-52; September 1991: 277-86; December 1991: 370-81; March 1992: 70-79; June 1992: 135-44; September 1992: 294-303; December 1992: 383-92; March 1993: 79-90; June 1993: 169-79; September 1993: 286-95; December 1993: 362-72
GS 18
"Confederate Personnel Files of the Louisiana Historical Association Collection," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1989: 215-27; December 1989: 379-88; March 1990: 54-65; June 1990: 148-59; September 1990: 268-76
GS 18
"Confederate Prisoners of War," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1957: 19; August 1957: 26-27
GS 18
"Confederate Prisoners Who Died in Elmira Prison Camp," Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 7 (1990), no. 4: 20-24; vol. 8 (1991), no. 1: 16-20; vol. 8 (1991), no. 2: 1-3; vol. 8 (1991), no. 3: 77-81; vol. 9 (1992), no. 2: 24-26; vol. 9 (1992), no. 3: 40-42
GS 18
"Confederate Signal Corp," Family Trails, August 1982: 44-48
GS 18
"Confederate Soldiers Buried on Johnson’s Island," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1970: 48
GS 18
"Confederate Soldiers Resident in 'Camp Nicholls’ Soldiers’ Home of Louisiana, 1906-1910," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1983: 27-40; June 1983: 136-49; September 1983: 239-41, 255
GS 18
"Cotton Tax Association," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1989: 209-14
GS 18
"The Creole," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 54-57
GS 18
"Cuban Papers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, Decembe r1980: 354-68
GS 18
"Death Notices from Alabama Newspapers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1971; 376-77
GS 18
"Death Records in Louisiana Newspapers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1988: 39-46
GS 18
"Deaths Recorded in Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1880-1900," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1976: 201
GS 18
Deiler, J. Hanno. The Settlement of the German Coast of Louisiana. (1969)
F 380 .G3 D29 1969
"Description of Some Colonial Louisianians," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1963: 36-37
GS 18
"Destruction of Last Island," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1973: 101-07
GS 18
De Ville, Winston. French Troops in the Mississippi Valley and on the Gulf Coast, 1745. (1986)
GS 7: F 380 .F8 D43 1986
De Ville, Winston. Louisiana and Mississippi Lands: a Guide to Spanish Land Grants at the University of Michigan. (1985)
GS 7: Ref F 368 .D39 1985
De Ville, Winston. Louisiana Soldiers in the American Revolution. (1991)
GS 5: E 263 .L68 D4 1991
De Ville, Winston. West Florida Landowners in Mississippi and Louisiana, ca. 1780. (1986)
GS 7: Ref F 341 .D4935 1986c
"Divorces Granted in Territorial or State Legislature," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1972: 204
GS 18
"Early Census Tables for Louisiana," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1971; 255-57
GS 18
"Early Louisiana Territory Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1971: 246-48
GS 18
"Early Residents of Grand Coteaux," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1983: 116-18
GS 18
"Early Settlers from the American State Papers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1968: 113; December 1968: 145-46; March 1969: 82-83; June 1969: 146-47; September 1969: 219-20; March 1970: 76-77; June 1970: 141-43
GS 18
Early Settlers of Louisiana as Taken from Land Claims in the Eastern District of the Orleans Territory. (1968)
GS 7: F 368 .E27 1986
"Ethnic Identitiy in Colonial Louisiana," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 141-44
GS 18
"Excerpts from Spanish Records," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1955: 31-32
GS 18
"Excerpts from the American State Papers," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1955: 13-15
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Asylum and Feliciana Advertizer, 1821-23," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], February 1955: 1-2, 5-6; April 1955: 8-9
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Baptist Chronicle, 1888-1895," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1976: 228-37; December 1976: 374-82
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Christian Advocate [New Orleans], 1859-60," Family Trails, February 1979: 46-49; November 1979: 44-48
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Christian Advocate [New Orleans], 1882," Family Trails, March 1978: 32-35; August 1978: 39-42; Feburary 1979: 49-52; August 1979: 50-53
GS 18
"Extract of Death Register, 1722-23," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1968: 6
GS 18
"Extracts from the Louisiana Baptist, 1856-69," Family Trails, February 1985: 36-55
GS 18
"5th Judicial Court Records, Civil Suits," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 90-91; June 1972: 181-86; September 1972: 276-79, 313-16; December 1972: 364-69; March 1973: 33-39; June 1973: 137-43; September 1973: 210-15; December 1973: 308-13; March 1974: 45-52; June 1974: 131-36
GS 18
"Flatboats of the Mississippi in 1807," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1988: 331-39
GS 18
Foote, Henry S. The Bench and Bar of the South and Southwest. (1876)
F 396 .F68 1876
France. Archives nationales.  Inventaire des archives coloniales. (1976)
guides (reference): CD 1198 .L8 F7 1976
In French; guide to documents pertaining to Louisiana
"Free People of Color at Opelousas in 1792," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1992: 194-95
GS 18
"French and American Claims Commission," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1986: 101-05; September 1986: 201-05, 128; December 1986: 301-04; March 1987: 3-10; June 1987: 101-07
GS 18
Claims by French citizens growing out of the Civil War
"French Soldiers in Louisiana, 1851," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1968: 85-87
GS 18
"From Hainaut to Louisiana," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1993: 236-46
GS 18
"Galvez-town," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1976: 4-6
GS 18
Gandy, Joan W. The Mississippi Steamboat Era in Historic Photographs. (1987)
VK 24 .M7 G36 1987
"Genealogical Patterns for Study of 18th Century Louisiana," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1984: 2-15
GS 18
Genealogical Register. (1955-1965)
GS 18
Formerly Bulletin of the Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society; became Louisiana Genealogical Register; articles indexed separately
"Genealogical Research Facilities in the Baton Rouge Area," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1990: 108-10
GS 18
"General Phineas Lyman and the Company of Military Adventurers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1985: 201-06
GS 18
An attempt to invade West Florida in 1772-74
GS 18
"German Coast in 1749," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1982: 373-90   
GS 18
"Grant’s Bayou," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1985: 146-47
GS 18
Gulf States Historical Magazine. 1902-04.
Indexed selectively
"Gunboat and Cutlass," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1986: 133-35
GS 18
An incident on the West Florida border, 1808
'How to Understand the Ethnic Terminology in Old Louisiana," Genealogical Helper, September 1978: 13-14
GS 18
"Incorporation of Various Churches, Schools and Libraries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1972: 324-26
GS 18
"Index of Marriages Validated in St. Anthony Chapel," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 24-25
GS 18
"Index of the Private Land Claims," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1960: 19-20; September 1960: 34-35; December 1960: 50-52; March 1962: 10-13; June 1962: 41-42; December 1962: 59; June 1963: 21-22; December 1963: 53-54; September 1964: 39-40; December 1965: 73-74; Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1966: 15; June 1966: 24-26; September 1966: 53-55; December 1966: 74-76; March 1967: 11-13; June 1967: 33-34; September 1967: 51-53; December 1967: 63-76
GS 18
Index in reverse alphabetic order
"Index to Compiled Service Records, Florida War, 1837-1838," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1964: 8-10; June 1964: 24-27
GS 18
"Index to Compiled Service Records, War of 1812," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], Juen 1960: 29-30; September 1960: 44-45; December 1960: 60-61; June 1961: 22-24
GS 18
"Index to Spanish West Florida Records," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1964: 42-44; December 1964: 52-60; March 1965: 8-15; June 1965: 27-33; September 1965: 50-52; December 1965: 70-72; Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1966: 10-12; June 1966: 32-35; September 1966: 46-49; December 1966: 66-73; March 1967: 6-11; June 1967: 28-32; September 1967: 46-50; December 1967: 65-69; March 1968: 4-6; June 1968: 23-26; December 1968: 148-52; March 1969: 57-67
GS 18
Includes several separately alphabetized indexes to documents in different locations; each entry should be checked; see also "Spanish West Florida Records--Abstracts"
"Index to the Pintado Papers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1968: 87-90; December 1968: 194-96; March 1969: 29-33; June 1969: 156-63; September 1969: 209-19; December 1969: 285-86; March 1970: 78-79; June 1970: 156-57; September 1970: 227-29; March 1971; 55-59; June 1971; 138-40; September 1971: 273-76; December 1971: 343-44; March 1972: 112-15, 130; June 1972: 158-60, 237
GS 18
"Index to 3rd District Court Papers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 132-36; September 1969: 291-95; December 1969: 364-68; March 1970: 45-47; June 1970: 145-47; September 1970: 290-91; December 1970: 312-13; March 1971: 85; June 1971; 177-78; Setpember 1971: 288-89; December 9171: 312-13; March 1972: 118-19; June 1972: 219-24; December 1972: 435-37; March 1973: 90-99
GS 18
"Inventory of Louisiana Land Title Records in State Archives," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1992; 172-80
GS 18
Description of the tool rather than actual records
"Labor Force in 1721," Louiwsiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 146-49, 181
GS 18
"Land Census of the Opelousas, 1793," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1960: 8-9; June 1960: 26-28
GS 18
"Land Grants at the German Coast," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1961: 33-34
GS 18
"Land Sales, Opelousas Post, 1765-1802," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 82-85
GS 18
"Landholders of Surveyed Tracts in British West Florida," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1985: 9-15, 44
GS 18
"Lawyers, 1859," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1986: 309-15; March 1987: 37-40
GS 18
"Letters from the Louisiana Settlement," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1974; 157-66; June 1976: 101-17
GS 18
"List of American and English Prisoners of War from Natchez Desiring to Settle at Attakapas, Opelousas and New Iberia, 1781," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1993: 114-16
GS 18
"List of Persons Contributing to the American Bible Society, 1852," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1991: 173-74
GS 18
"List of Persons Settling at Rapides, 1783-1786," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1993: 3
GS 18
"Locations of Cemeteries by Parish," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1986: 321-30; March 1987: 58-66; June 1987: 136-42
GS 18
"The 'Lost Settlers’ of Barataria, 1779-82," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1987: 108-11
GS 18
"Louisiana Almanack, 1829," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], Augut 1959: 25-26
GS 18
"Louisiana Association of Mexican War Veterans," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1972: 298
GS 18
"Louisiana-born Residents of Macoupin County, Illinois, 1860," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1985: 208; March 1989: 48
GS 18
Louisiana Collection Series of Books and Documents on Colonial Louisiana. (1965)
F 366 .L53
Spine title: Honor and Fidelity; includes some military records, 1766-1821
"Louisiana Colonial Militia," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1962: 20-25; September 1962: 33-40; December 1962: 51-54; March 1963: 11-16
GS 18
"Louisiana Folks in the Marshall Republican Newspaper, 1856-57," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1991: 162
GS 18
Louisiana Genealogical Register. (1966-  )
GS 18
Formerly Genealogical Register; articles indexed separately
Louisiana Historical Records Survey. County-Parish Boundaries in Louisiana. (1939)
F 377 .A15 H5
"Louisiana History in Government Documents," Gulf States Historical Magazine, November 1902: 184-93
Contains names of a few 18th century residents
"Louisiana Land Measurements," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1991: 351
GS 18
"Louisiana Marriage Contracts and Successions," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1987: 277-79, 287, 296
GS 18
Describes use of these types of documents
"Louisiana Natives’ Arrival in California," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1989: 183-89
GS 18
"Louisiana Natives in 1850 Mississippi Mortality Schedules," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1987: 158-59
GS 18
"Louisiana Newspaper Files in the Library of Congress," Gulf States Historical Magazine, September 1902: 128-33
"Louisiana Officers in the Mexican War," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1970: 383-85
GS 18
"Louisiana Officers, 1738," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 187-91
GS 18
"Louisiana Pensioners from Agency Book," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1960: 23; September 1960: 39; December 1960: 55-56
GS 18
"Louisiana Records at the National Archives," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1986: 206-10
GS 18
"Louisiana References in South Carolina," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1955: 20-21
GS 18
"Louisiana-related Marriages in Kentucky, 1797-1865," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1975: 64-66
GS 18
"Louisiana Settlement of Some Acadians in 1785," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1991: 306-07
GS 18
"Louisiana Soldiers in the War of 1812," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1956: 68-70; April 1959: 10-11
GS 18
"Louisiana State Archives," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1991: 42-43
GS 18
"Louisiana Students in German Universities, 19th Century," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1967: 24-27
GS 18
"Louisiana’s Civil War 'Galvanized Yankees’ at Fort Delaware," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1991: 44-49
GS 18
"Louisianians Buried in Rome," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1989: 19 GS 18
"Louisianians Interred in Stonewall Cemetery [Winchester, Virginia]," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1993: 101-08
GS 18
McMullan, T. N. Louisiana Newspapers, 1794-1961: a Union List of Louisiana Newspaper Files ... (1965)
Ref PN Z 6952 .L8 M25
"Marital Separations in Colonial Louisiana," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1984: 35-37
GS 18
"Marriage and Death Notices in Louisiana Newspapers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1983: 347-86
GS 18
"Members of 1st Louisiana Cavalry Held at Fort Delaware, 1864-65," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1976: 19-20
GS 18
"Members of Louisiana Guards, 1823," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 117
GS 18
"Military Units, War of 1812," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1957: 41-42
GS 18
"Militia and Civil Appointments, 1804-1811," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1971; 170-76; September 1971: 243-45
GS 18
"Militia of the Iberville Post, 1770," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1991: 249-50
GS 18
"Miscellaneous Single Graves," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1975: 325
GS 18
"Napoleon’s Soldiers in Louisiana," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1988: 356-62, 369
GS 18
"The New Orleans Notarial Archives," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1989: 279-82
GS 18
Nolan, Charles E. A Southern Catholic Heritage. (1976)
guides (reference): CD 3269 .N48 N64
Guide to Catholic Church, Province of New Orleans, Archives
"Non-Acadians in Attakapas Area," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1974: 57-63
GS 18
"Notes on Louisianians in Virginia," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1961: 52
GS 18
"Oak Grove Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1982: 25-26
GS 18
"Oath of Allegiance under the Spanish Government at Rapides, 1801," Mississippi Records, April 1991: 41-42
GS 18
"Obituaries from the Christian Advocate," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1959: 28; October 1959: 34-35; December 1959: 42-43; March 1960: 2-3
GS 18
"Official Policy and Procedures of the Historical Reseach Center Archives, Diocese of Houma-Thibodeaux," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1986: 106-07
GS 18
"Opelousas Post, 1793," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1989: 101-03
GS 18
"Parishes," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], October 1955: 25-26
GS 18
"Passengers from France, 1738-40," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 338-39, 386
GS 18
"Passengers of Steamer Oronoko, 1838," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1973: 381
GS 18
"Patent Models by Louisiana Inventors, 1808-1899," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1988: 221-36
GS 18
"Pensioners of the War of 1812," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1986: 112-17
GS 18
"Petition, 1811," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1969: 336-39
GS 18
"Petition of Catahoula Residents, 1795," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1993: 167-68
GS 18
"Petition on Navigation of the Plakemine and the Chafalaya, 1791," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1981: 21-22
GS 18
"Pointe Coupee Militia, c. 1797," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1993: 384-87
GS 18
"Power of Attorney for Los Adaes Soldiers, 1751," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 58-59
GS 18
"Preliminary Report: Some Documents in the National Archives of Mexico Relating to Colonial Louisiana," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1987: 119-22, 142
GS 18
"Proceedings of Confederate Veterans Meeting, 1889," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1982: 120-21
GS 18
"Public Education, 1877," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1992: 242-50; December 1992: 329-39; March 1993: 70-78; June 1993: 124-35; September 1993: 270-81; December 1993: 374-83
GS 18
"Queries from France-Louisiane," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1984: 283-85
GS 18
"Rapides Post, 1792," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1992: 251-53
GS 18
"Recent Louisiana Obituaries from Alaska Newspapers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1992: 271
GS 18
"Recent Obituaries of Former Louisiana Residents Who Migrated to Genessee County, Michigan," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1991: 165; December 1991: 319; March 1992: 32
GS 18
"Register of Appointments, 1806," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1957: 25-26
GS 18
"Register of the Society of Mississippi Choctaws, 1914," Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society, October 1981: 125-28
GS 18
"Report on Officer Seniority, c. 1750," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1968: 7-8
GS 18
"Research in the Archives of the Archdiocese of New Orleans," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1982: 290-93
GS 18
"Residents (Confederate) at Soldiers’ Home, 1866-1867," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1982: 27-37
GS 18
"Resources in the Louisiana State Land Office," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 1-4
GS 18
"Restoration of Parishes to U.S., 1865," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1974: 27-31
GS 18
"Revolutionary War Pensioners, 1840," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1983: 227-29
GS 18
"Roll of Cadets, Louisiana State Seminary of Learning and Military Academy, 1865-66," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1985: 112-13, 194; September 1985: 209-24; June 1986: 160-68
GS 18
"Roll of Students, Louisiana Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, 1859-66," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1984: 344-55
GS 18
"Roll of Students, Louisiana State School for the Deaf, 1906-1910," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1985: 31-44
GS 18
"Roster of Officers for 1st Artillery and Louisiana Artillery Battalion, 1848," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1968: 32-33
GS 18
"Roster of Soldiers Known to Be Buried in the Confederate Cemetery at Fayetteville," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1993: 333
GS 18
"Roster of Unmarried Militiamen, 1785," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1961: 49
GS 18
"Scrapbook of Maude Billiu, 1885-1900," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 146-49
GS 18
"Scrapbooks of Mrs. Z. Taylor Davies," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1973: 23-28; June 1973: 144-49; September 1973: 258-63; December 1973: 382-87; March 1974: 18-23; June 1974: 124-29; September 1974: 278-83
GS 18
Clippings from late 19th-early 205h century papers
Servies, James Albert. A Bibliography of West Florida. (1978)
Ref Z 1272 .W47 S47 1982
4 vols.; index in vol. 3
Silas, Uncle. The Civil War Reminiscences of Major Silas T. Grisamore, C. S. A.. (1993)
Includes brief biographies of officers of 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment
Call: E 565 18th .S55 C58 1993
"Soldiers in the War between the States," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 29-34
GS 18
"Some Antebellum Medical Practioners," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1986: 230-31
GS 18
"Some Canary Island Locales and Their Associated Louisiana Families," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1988: 23-26
GS 18
"Some Founding Families of Louisiana," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1982: 301-02
GS 18
"Some Louisiana Land Claims, 1805," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 126-27
GS 18
"Some Louisiana Students in Virginia, 1850," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1984: 37
GS 18
"Some Messieurs of the German Coast," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1993: 232-33
GS 18
Southern Directory Co. Classified Business Directory of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Monroe, Jackson, Vicksburg, Natchez, Meridian, Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Selma, etc. ... 1899 and 1900. (1901)
HF 6065 .L8 S63 1899-1900
"Spaniards in the American Revolution," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1962: 7-9; December 1962: 55-56
GS 18
"Spanish Baton Rouge Census, 1786," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1983: 132
GS 18
"Spanish-French Conflict of 1783-95," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1982: 38-42
GS 18
The Spanish in the Mississippi Valley, 1762-1804. (1974)
F 352 .S72
Includes militia rosters, lists of New Orleans tavern keepers
"Spanish Infantry Regiment, 1781," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1960: 9-11; June 1960: 24-26; September 1960: 41; December 1960: 57-58
GS 18
"Spanish Records, 1782-1789," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1989: 62-81
GS 18
"Spanish West Florida Records--Abstracts," Louisiana Genealogical Register, Decembe r1969: 309-16; March 1970: 1-14; June 1970: 100-13; September 1970: 203-09; December 1970: 366-79; March 1971: 93-94; June 1971: 186-91; September 1971: 211-20; December 1971: 309-11; March 1972: 1-2; June 1972: 139-50; December 1972: 377-94; March 1973: 9-22; June 1973: 119-29; December 1973: 315-36
GS 18
See also "Index to Spanish West Florida Records"
Special Schedules of the 11th Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890. A5
5 reels; sometimes contains Confederate veterans and widows
"Stockholders in the Clinton and Port Hudson Railroad," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1972: 307-08
GS 18
"Students, Louisiana State University, 1877-78," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1986: 160-68
GS 18
"Sugar Crop Statements, 1844," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1965: 41, 45-46; December 1965: 67-69; Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1966: 5-7; June 1966: 26-28
GS 18
"Survey of Federal Archives, Spanish West Florida Papers, Vol. 1," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1989: 142-48; September 1989: 266-71
GS 18
"Territorial Papers, 1805," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1990: 206-11
GS 18
"Tobacco-growers at False River, 1777," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1993: 69
GS 18
"Tobacco-growers at Rapides Post, 1791," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1971: 317-18
GS 18
"Trail of the Exiled Acadians after 1755," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1987: 213-23
GS 18
"26th Louisiana Regiment, Infantry, C.S.A.," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1989: 162-68; September 1989: 250-55
GS 18
"United Confederate Veterans’ Reunion, Maids of Honor, 1895," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1990: 211, 129, 237
GS 18
"U.S. Tract Book Index," Louisiana Genealogy Register, December 1971; 404-05; March 1972: 62-76
GS 18
"Veterans of 1814 and 1815," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1966: 61-62
GS 18
"Vital Records of Protestants Found in Early Louisiana Catholic Church Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1991: 322-23
GS 18
"Workers and Wages, 1723," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 349-50
GS 18
"Workers Wanting to Return to France, 1723," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 326-86
GS 18
"Yellow Fever Deaths, 1878," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1981: 71-80; June 1981: 171-87; September 1981: 271-84; December 1981: 337-53
GS 18

Acadia Parish

"Ebenezer Methodist Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1974; 330-34; March 1975; 70-75; December 1975: 314-21
GS 18
"Frey Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1979: 234-44
GS 18
"Marriage Index," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1959: 29; October 1959: 38; December 1959: 43-44; March 1960: 3; June 1960: 29; September 1960: 44; Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 141-44; March 1969: 9-12; June 1969: 170-73; September 1969: 204-08; December 1969: 382-84; March 1970: 82-83; June 1970: 180-82; Setpember 1970: 211-13; December 1970: 315-18; March 1971: 14-21
GS 18
"Mt. Olive Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 60-65
GS 18
"Pilgrim Rest Baptist Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1980: 267-79; December 1980: 383-84
GS 18
"Prudhomme City Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 327-29
GS 18
"St. Edward’s Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 370-77
GS 18

Allen Parish

Louisiana Historical Records Survey. Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana: no. 2, Allen Parish (Oberlin). (1938)
guides (reference): Ref CD 3267 .A5 L888 1938
"West Oakdale Baptist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1977: 262-68
GS 18

Ascension Parish

"1810 Census, Heads of Household," Bulletin of the Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society, August 1954: 4-5
GS 18
"1830 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1977: 285-95
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1960: 17
GS 18
"Ascension Church Marriages," 1824-36," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 39-46
GS 18
"Donaldsonville," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 162-64; September 1986: 201-05, 218
GS 18
"Donaldsonville Protestant Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1986: 334-45; March 1987: 24-26
GS 18
Marchand, Sidney Albert. The Flight of a Century (1800-1900) in Ascension Parish, Louisiana. (1936)
GS 10: F 377 .A7 M28
"Property Owners [c. 1804]," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1988: 303-13
GS 18
"St. Theresa-Sacred Heart Church, New River," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1973; 154-65; September 1973: 219-31; December 1973: 367-81; June 1974: 183-96; September 1974: 250-58; Decembe r1974: 366-71; March 1976: 66-95
GS 18
"Taxpayers, 1808," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1964: 52-53
GS 18

Assumption Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1956: 58-59
GS 18
"1830 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1978: 175-91
GS 18
"Assumption Church, Plattenville," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1974: 75-84
GS 18
"Christ Episcopal Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1983: 230-38
GS 18
"Houmas Grant," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], October 1956: 61-63
GS 18
"Marriages, Assumption Church, 1817-1853," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1975: 183-96; September 1975: 254-64; December 1975: 252-61
GS 18
"Marriages, 1855-1880," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 35-38
GS 18
"St. Elizabeth Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1972: 280-91
GS 18

Attakapas Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], February 1955: 3-4; June 1955: 17-18
GS 18

Avoyelles Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], October 1956: 66
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedules," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1962: 3-4
GS 18
"Burials in Fort de Russy Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 26-27
GS 18
"Census of Avoyelles Post, 1785," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1981: 121-25
GS 18
"Church of the Little Flower Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1987: 227-30
GS 18
"Cushman Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1973: 108-18; September 1982: 216-27
GS 18
"Death Notices," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1969: 324-26; March 1970: 37-38
GS 18
"Hypolite Bordelon Estate," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1974: 354-55
GS 18
"Index to Miscellaneous Sales, 1809-17," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1971: 22-23
GS 18
"Index to Successions, 1841-46," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 55-56
GS 18
"Land Claims," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1986: 252-61; December 1986: 357-64, 399; March 1987: 77-83; September 1987: 280-87; December 1987: 355-60
GS 18
"Marc Dupuy Residence," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1975: 84-87
GS 18
"Mark and Brand Book I," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1970: 254-56
GS 18
"Marriage License Index, 1808-1817," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 185-87
GS 18
"Naturalization Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1975: 12-14
GS 18
"Professional Book," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1970: 251-53
GS 18
"St. Alphonse Catholic Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1975: 44-54
GS 18

Beauregard Parish

"Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1979: 355-62
GS 18
Hagar, Alston, Magnolia and Beauregard cemeteries
Louisiana Historical Records Survey. Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana: no. 6: Beauregard Parish (Deridder). (1940)
guides (reference): Ref CD 3267 .B4 L888 1940

Bienville Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1960: 42
GS 18
'Persons Born in Mississippi Listed in the 1850 Census of Bienville Parish," Family Trails, May 1984: 36-41
GS 18

Bossier Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1960: 42
GS 18
"Bellevue Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 67
GS 18
Louisiana Historical Records Survey. Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana: no. 8, Bossier Parish (Benton). (1940)
guides (reference): Ref CD 3267 .B6 L888 1940
"Persons Born in Mississippi from Bossier Parish, 1850 Census," Family Trails, November 1989: 21-29
GS 18

Caddo Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1960: 42      
GS 18
"Boggy Bayou Baptist Church," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1963: 38-40
GS 18
"Bond and Marriage Records, 1838-1841," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1983: 304-05
GS 18
"Caddo Rifles," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1989: 43-47
GS 18
"Conveyance Records," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], October 1957: 35-36; February 1958: 5: June 1958: 20-21; August 1958: 29-30; October 1958: 35-36; December 1958: 45; February 1959: 3-4; April 1959: 13-14; June 1959: 20-21; December 1959: 44; June 1960: 28; September 1960: 46; December 1960: 61-62; December 1961: 52-53; June 1962: 18-19; September 1962: 41; March 1963: 5-6; June 1963: 20-21; September 1963: 41-43; December 1963: 54-55
GS 18
"Friendship Methodist Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1979: 230-31
GS 18
"Letters in Shreveport Post Office, 1840," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1964: 64; December 1964: 53-54
GS 18
"Letters in Shreveport Post Office, 1843," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 27-28
GS 18
"Marriages Contracted in the Parish of Caddo and Other Missions Belonging to Shreveport, 1857-1869," Louisiana Genealogical Registe, December 1983: 306-08
GS 18
"Yellow Fever Victims, 1873," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1963: 25-28    
GS 18

Calcasieu Parish

"1807 Settlers of Lake Charles," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1982: 2-4     
GS 18
"Common Street Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1974: 266-72
GS 18
"Lake Charles Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1973: 201-06
GS 18
Lake Front and Church Street cemeteries
"Members of M.E. Church on Calcasieu Circuit, 1859," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1965: 33-34
GS 18
"Records of St. Mary and St. Ann," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 160-61
GS 18
"St. Patrick’s Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1974: 24-27
GS 18

Catahoula Parish

"1810 Census," Bulletin of the Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society, February 1954: 4-5
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1962: 5; June 1962: 28-29
GS 18
"Land Claims," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1986: 252-61; December 1986: 357-64, 199; March 1987: 77-83; September 1987: 280-87; December 1987: 355-60
GS 18
"Marriage Licenses, 1837-50," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 197-99; September 1969: 221-25; March 1988: 75-81
GS 18
"Miscellaneous Marriage Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1970: 48  
GS 18
"Old Pine Methodist Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 113-41  
GS 18
"Webster Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1992: 64-66; June 1992: 181-83; September 1992: 271-73
GS 18

Claiborne Parish

"1830 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 48-49
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1960: 56-57
GS 18
"Adkins Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972; 54-55
GS 18
"Amnesty Oaths," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 77-81
GS 18
"Lebanon Primitive Baptist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 153-57
GS 18
"Members of Two Lodges, 1854," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1987: 361
GS 18
"Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1977: 239
GS 18
"Rocky Springs Baptist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 8
GS 18
"Summerfield Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1971: 226-30; December 1971: 360-64
GS 18
First article appears erroneously under name "Smithfield Cemetery,"

Concordia Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1955: 22-23
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1962: 29
GS 18
"Concordia Ferry," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1974: 201-07
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Concordia Intelligencer, 1843-47," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1958: 27-28
GS 18
"Index to Wills, 1836-1850," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1987: 383-85
GS 18

DeSoto Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1962: 29; September 1962: 43-44
GS 18
"Carmel, an Historical Spot," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1974: 216-22
GS 18
"Old Salem Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1979: 232-33      
GS 18
"Rock Chapel," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1991: 197-98
GS 18

East Baton Rouge Parish

"1820 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1962: 8-9; March 1962: 2-3
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1962: 4-5
GS 18
"Abstracts of Oaths, Sheriff’s Sales Book, 1813-32," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1969: 340-42; March 1970: 73-75; June 1970: 183-86; December 1970: 302-05; March 1971: 73-77
GS 18
"Abstracts of Probate Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1969: 317-23; March 1970: 35-37; June 1970: 127-30; September 1970: 266-71; March 1971: 1-4; December 1971: 390-96; December 1974: 359-66; December 1976: 384-400
GS 18
"Baptismal Records, 1793-1806, St. Joseph’s Cathedral," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1971: 89-93
GS 18
"Baton Rouge Barracks Post Returns, 1827," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1993: 308-13
GS 18
"Baton Rouge Catholic Church Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1973: 166-67
GS 18
Explanation of move, not a listing; for listing, see "Catholic Cemetery"
"Bradford Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1979: 24
GS 18
"Capital Heights Subdivision," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1990: 135-47     
GS 18
"Catholic Cemetery, Baton Rouge," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1992: 393-405
GS 18
"Census, 1782," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1961: 49
GS 18
"Charter of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Baton Rouge, 1849," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1970: 300-01
GS 18
"Clergy of St. James Episcopal Church, 1845-1934," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 49
GS 18
"Confederate Soldiers Buried in Magnolia Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1992: 145-52
GS 18
See also "Magnolia Cemetery"
"Corporation to Build Confederate Memorial," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1971: 69-70
GS 18
"Death and Marriage Notices in the Republic, 1822-23," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1967: 41-42
GS 18
"Death Notices from the Louisiana Capitolian, 1879-81," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], Decembe r1958: 42-43; February 1959: 2; June 1959: 18-19
GS 18
"District Attorneys," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December  1967: 71
GS 18
"Excerpts from Baton Rouge Newspapers, 1866," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 142-44
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Baton Rouge Gazette, 1848," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 34-37
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Weekly Advocate, 1866," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 26
GS 18
"First Methodist Episcopal Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1978: 168-71
GS 18
"First Presbyterian Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1960: 200-02
GS 18
"First United Methodist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 141      
GS 18
"First United Methodist Church Marriages, 1839-1871," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1990: 347-58
GS 18
"Funerals, 1793-1815, Our Lady of Sorrows," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1964: 21-24
GS 18
"Highland Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1992: 109-17
GS 18
"Incorporation of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Baton Rouge," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1976: 144-45
GS 18
"Incorporation of the Presbyterian Church, Baton Rouge, 1828," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1973: 167
GS 18
"Index to Notarial Acts, 1812-15," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 70-75; June 1969: 194-96
GS 18
"Index to Probate Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1968: 27-28; June 1968: 11-13; September 1968: 91-93; December 1968: 181-82; March 1969: 22-25; June 1969: 174-76; September 1969: 268-72; December 1969: 372-74; March 1970: 89-91; March 1970: 89-91; June 1970: 158-62; September 1970: 245-46; December 1970: 355-57; June 1971: 120-21; December 1972: 432-35
GS 18
See also "Probate Book 1, 1810-1820"
"Joiner Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 168-71
GS 18
"Jones Creek Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1969: 346-47    
GS 18
"Kleinpeter Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1978: 59
GS 18
"Land for Courthouse," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1971: 249
GS 18
"Louisiana State Seminary, 1867-68," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1977: 243-46
GS 18
"Louisiana State University Graduation, 1908," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 148
GS 18
"Louisiana State University, Roll of Students, 1914," Louisiana Genealogical Register, Decembe r1989: 330-36; March 1990: 75-82
GS 18
"McCaa Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 15
GS 18
"Magnolia Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 19y8: 11-15; June 1968: 20-22; September 1968: 99-103; December 1968: 183-85; March 1969: 42-44; June 1969: 192-93; September 1969: 260-65; March 1970: 63-65; June 1970: 1919-92; September 1970: 280-81; March 1971: 65-67; June 1971: 108-09; September 1971: 221-25; December 1971: 365-67; June 1972: 228-3-’ September 1972: 294-97; December 1972: 404-07; March 1973: 29-32; June 1973: 150-53; September 1973: 254-57; December 1973: 346, 397-99; March 1974: 53-56; June 1974: 170-71; March 1978: 4-13; June 1978: 146-55; September 1978: 241-52; June 1979: 170-85
GS 18
See also "Confederate Soldiers Buried in Magnolia Cemetery" and "Research on Magnolia Cemetery"
"Marriage Licenses," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 20-22; September 1969: 226-69; December 1969: 351-55; March 1970: 70-72; September 1970: 225-26; June 1971: 118-19; March 1972: 117, 123
GS 18
"Marriage Record Book of Rev. R. F. Patterson," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1990: 111-31
GS 18
"Marriage Records, 1811-1925, from Vendor Books," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1970: 28-30; June 1970: 143-44; December 1970: 335-38
GS 18
"Mayors of Baton Rouge," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1972: 207, 218
GS 18
"Membership of Pipkin Chapel, 1874-1898," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1990: 319-31
GS 18
"Ministers of First Methodist Church, 1834-1900," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 178-79
GS 18
"Miscellaneous Records of St. Joseph Cathedral," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 121-25; September 9169: 283-87; December 1969: 329-30
GS 18
"Muster Roll of the Baton Rouge Fencibles," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1978: 281-82
GS 18
"National Guards, 1861," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 40
GS 18
"Oak Grove Church of God Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 165-67, 171
GS 18
"Odom Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1970: 341-42
GS 18
"Patterson Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 324-25, 384
GS 18
"Penny Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1961: 5-6; September 1969: 257
GS 18
"Plains Presbyterian Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1991: 199-212
GS 18
"Probate Book 1, 1810-1820," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1955: 24; October 1955: 29
GS 18
See also "Index to Probate Records"
"Research on Magnolia Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1991: 297-305; March 1992: 39-46
GS 18
See also "Magnolia Cemetery"
"St. Joseph Cathedral Funeral Records, 1818-1894," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1968: 37-44;  September 1968: 118-125; December 1968: 186-93; March 1969: 34-41; June 1969: 117-20
GS 18
"Salem Baptist Church Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1969: 345-46
GS 18
"Second Jones Creek Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1970: 173; September 1970: 233-34
GS 18
"Shanks Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1978: 230
GS 18
"Short History of St. James Lodge, No. 47, F & AM," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1970: 343-45
GS 18
"Springfield, July 4, 1822, Celebration," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1993: 251-55
GS 18
"Valentine Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1976: 292
GS 18
"Zoar Baptist Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 179-91
GS 18

East Carroll Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1962: 5
GS 18
"Marriage and Deaths from the Carroll Record, 1868," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 98; June 1969: 179-80
GS 18

East Feliciana Parish

"1820 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], October 1959: 36-37; December 1959: 45-46; March 1960: 4-6
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1961: 3, 6-7
GS 18
Casey, Albert Eugene. Amite County, Mississippi, 1699-[1890]. (1948-1969)
GS 12: Ref F 347 .A5 C3
Vol. 3 includes East Feliciana parish marriages (1813-1875)
"Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 168-69
GS 18
Courtney and Ellis cemeteries
"Chapman Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1961: 31-32
GS 18
"Clear Creek Methodist Church Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 4-7
GS 18
"Clinton Military Academy," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1963: 19-20
GS 18
"Dawson-Woodside Cemetery," Bulletin of the Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society, December 1954: 5
GS 18
"Ellis Plantation Cemetery," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1965: 26
GS 18
"Graduating Class, 1901, Silliman Female Collegiate Institute," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1990: 134
GS 18
"Hepzibah Cemetery," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1964: 28; September 1964: 41
GS 18
"History of First Baptist Church, Jackson, La.," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1983: 71-75
GS 18
"An Index to East Feliciana, Louisiana, Past and Present," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1988: 370-77
GS 18
"Letters Waiting, Clinton, 1845-46," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1988: 363-69
GS 18
"Marriage Index, 1834-70," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1969: 231-35; December 1969: 369-71; March 1970: 38-40; June 1970: 155-56
GS 18
"Petition, 1829," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1971: 400-02
GS 18
"Probate Index," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1975: 215-24
GS 18
"Roster of the Hunter Rifles, 1861," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1967: 5-6
GS 18
"Silliman College Alumnae," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1968: 36, 44; September 1968: 96-99; December 1968: 197-200
GS 18
"Silliman Collegiate Institute," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December  1963: 51-52
GS 18
"Temples in the Country," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1991: 101-04
GS 18
Greek revival architecture
"Worsham Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1970: 172-73
GS 18

Evangeline Parish

"Ashford Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September  1979: 201-12
GS 18
"Bellaire Cove Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 13
GS 18
"Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 22-25
GS 18
Tate Cove and Vandenburg cemeteries
"Conveyance Record," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1979: 307-08
GS 18
"Ferguson Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 308-13
GS 18
"Griffin Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 118-27
GS 18
"Land Claims," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1981: 105-14
GS 18
"Mamou Protestant Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1984: 202-11
GS 18
"Manuel Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1980: 238-40
GS 18
"Mount Carmel Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 10-20; June 1980: 130-40, 164
GS 18
"Nez Pique Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 85-88
GS 18
"Platin Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 358-68
GS 18
"Point Blue Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 323-26
GS 18
"Reed Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1984: 46-52; June 1984: 155-62, 164
GS 18
"Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 180-81; December 1978: 326-78
GS 18
"St. Ann Cemetery, Mamou," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1984: 330-36; March 1985: 61-70; June 1985: 131-45, 155; September 1985: 233-47; December 1985: 360-69, 344; March 1986: 37-46; June 1986: 146-59
GS 18
"Tate Cove Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1980: 244, 248    
GS 18
"Tit Mamou," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1978: 33-40
GS 18

Franklin Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1962: 44; December 1962: 60
GS 18

Grant Parish

"Mars Hill Baptist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1970: 60-62
GS 18
"Register Voters, 1898," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1993: 19-39
GS 18

Iberville Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], October 1955: 28
GS 18
"1830 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 150-59
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1962: 60      
GS 18
"The Acadian Church at St. Gabriel," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1988: 145-50
GS 18
"Book of Oaths," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1980: 216-20
GS 18
"Brand Books," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1964: 15-20
GS 18
"C. H. Dickinson’s Map, 1883," Louisiana Genealogical Register, Septembe r 1984: 212-20; December 1984: 380-86, 394
GS 18
"Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1981: 81
GS 18
"Index for Special Marriage Contracts," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1975: 55-63
GS 18
"Inhabitants of the Iberville Posts, c. 1770," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1963: 52
GS 18
"Marriages, St. Gabriel of Iberville," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1974: 137-43
GS 18
"Successions," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1978: 235-37; June 1979: 104-08
GS 18
"Taxpayers, 1808," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1964: 52-53
GS 18

Jackson Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1962: 60      
GS 18
"Hebron Parish Church," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1963: 59
GS 18
"Marriage Index, 1880-1910," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1970: 31-34; June 1970: 163-65; September 1970: 273-75; December 1970: 318-21; March 1971: 40-44; June 1971: 148-50; September 1971: 252-54; December 1971: 397-99; March 1972: 134-37
GS 18
"Probate Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1970: 264-65; March 1971: 28-31; June 1971: 110-13; March 1972: 98-99, 117; June  1972: 208-11, 224
GS 18
"Registered Voters, 1898," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1991: 216-27
GS 18

Jefferson Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1963: 24-25
GS 18
Louisiana Historical Records Survey. Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana: no. 26, Jefferson Parish (Gretna). (1938)
guides (reference): Ref CD 3267 .J4 L888 1938
S 18
"Graduates of High Schools, 1877," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1986: 246, 263
GS 18
"Interments from Yellow Fever, 1841," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1976: 239-71
GS 18
"Irish Marriages, St. Louis Cathedral," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 18-23; June 1972: 175-80; September 1972: 259-62, 270-72; December 1974: 317-21
GS 18
"Jewish Burials in New Orleans, 1828-1848," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1989: 88-94
GS 18
Krieger, B. J. Seventy-five Years of Service. (1923)
BX 2525 .N4 K75
Redemptorist Fathers in New Orleans
"Letters at the New Orleans Post Office, 1808," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1988: 343-53
GS 18
"List of Telephone Subscribers, 1879," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1993Z: 18
GS 18
"Marriage Licenses, 1859-66," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1976: 211-22
GS 18
"Marriage Licenses Issued by Louis Pessour, 1870-72," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1976: 44-65
GS 18
"Marriage Licenses, Lafayette, 1847-50," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1976: 161-70
GS 18
"Marriage Records," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], April 1958: 11-12
GS 18
"Marriages, St. Louis Cathedral, 1764-1774," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1975: 180-82
GS 18
Nolan, Charles E. A Southern Catholic Heritage. (1976)
guides (reference): CD 3269 .N48 N64
Guide to Catholic Church, Province of New Orleans, Archives
"Notaries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1969: 288-90; December 1969: 395-97; June 1970: 175-79; September 1970: 257-63
GS 18
"Obituary Notices," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1957: 18-19
GS 18
"Odd Fellows Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 151-59; June 1978: 115-41
GS 18
"Orphans in the Urseline Convent," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1963: 51: September  1969: 203
GS 18
"Parole of Prisoners of War, Jackson Barracks, 1865," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1990: 32-42
GS 18
"Physicians, Pharmacists, and Midwives, 1854," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 57-80
GS 18
"Prisoners at New Orleans Customs House," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1988: 314-19
GS 18
"Report of the Committee Collecting Guns for the Confederacy," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 40-42
GS 18
"St. Louis Cathedral Funeral Register, 1793-1803," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1975: 126-31
GS 18
"St. Louis Cathedral Funeral Register, 1841-43," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1972: 395-403; March 1973: 61-66; June 1973: 130-36
GS 18
"St. Louis Cathedral Interments," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1974: 5-16; December 1974: 337-42; December 1975: 368-77
GS 18
"St. Louis Cathedral Marriage Book I (1830-34)," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1974: 223-38
GS 18
"St. Louis Cemetery, No. 1," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1976: 21-36; March 1978: 72-91; June 1978: 142-45; Septembe r1978: 218-29; June 1979: 159-68
GS 18
"Slave Masters of New Orleans, 1796," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1993: 204-10
GS 18
"Sophie Newcomb College, Class of 1894," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 193-94
GS 18
The Spanish in the Mississippi Valley, 1762-1804. (1974)
F 352 .S72
Includes militia rosters, lists of New Orleans tavern keepers
"Survey of Historical New Orleans Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1986: 2-9
GS 18
"Sylvester-Larned Institute Catalog, 1877-78," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 175-80
GS 18
"Urseline Orphans in 1731," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1969: 203   GS 18
Wilds, John. Afternoon Story: a Century of the New Orleans States-Item. (1976)
PN 4899 .N32 S88
"Young Ladies at the New School of the Church Parish, 1829," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1973: 174
GS 18

Opelousas Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1958: 22-23; August 1958: 32
GS 18

Orleans Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], April 1957: 6-7; June 1957: 20-21; August 1957: 31-32; October 1957: 39-40; December 1957: 47-48; February 1959: 7-8; April 1958: 15-16
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 84-93; September 1969: 273-77; December 1969: 379-80; March 1970: 92-93; June 1970: 166; Septembe r1970: 243-44; December 1970: 346-50; March 1971: 60-65
GS 18
Hobolochitto Baptist Association. Minutes of the Annual Session. (N.d.)
BX 6248 .M7 H6
1971, 1974-75, 1977-78, 1980
"List of Children Baptized, 1728," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1963: 32   
GS 18
"Postmasters of Principal Towns," Gulf States Historical Magazine, July 1902: 38-40
"Records of the Justice of the Peace, 1869-1880," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 25-28
GS 18
Walker, Lester Stewart. "Labourers Together with God": a History of the Hobolochitto Baptist Association. (1979)
BX 6209 .M52 W3

Ouachita Parish

"1808 Property Appraisement," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1962: 49-50, 62
GS 18
"1810 Census," Bulletin of the Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society, December 1954: 4-5
GS 18
"Assessment Roll, 1814," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1989: 256-65  
GS 18
"Bartholomew Island Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1992: 276-78
GS 18
"Marriage Book A," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1983: 309-10
GS 18
"Original Land Entry," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1970: 234-35
GS 18
"Probate Records," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1957: 44
GS 18
"The Railroad Comes to Monroe," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1983: 133-35, 157
GS 18
"Springhill Cemetery," Family Trails, February 1979: 54-59
GS 18
"Western Star Lodge, 1880," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1963: 59   
GS 18

Plaquemines Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1958: 32
GS 18
"1830 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1979: 329-34
GS 18
"Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1974: 322-23
GS 18
Louisiana Historical Records Survey. Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana: no. 38, Plaquemines Parish (Pointe a la Hache). (1939)
guides (reference): Ref CD 3267 .P5 L888 1939

Pointe Coupee Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1956: 40-41
GS 18
"1830 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1979: 150-58
GS 18
"Bodies Removed from St. Ann Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1968: 46-48; September 1968: 110-12
GS 18
De Ville, Winston. The Ste. Catherine Colonists, 1719-1720. (1991)
GS 10: Ref F 377 .P55 D423 1991
"Deaths, September 29, 1849," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1973: 167
GS 18
"From the Point Coupee Democrat," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1985: 48-50
GS 18
"Garrison at Point Coupee, 1759-60," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1982: 165-67
GS 18
"Immaculate Conception Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1973: 71-78; Septembe r9173: 264-69; December 1973: 337-45; March 1974: 32-38; June 1974: 108-20; June 1975: 105-21; Septembe r1975: 241-53
GS 18
"Index to Conveyances, Church of St. Francis," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1991: 66-82
GS 18
"Loyalty Oath List, 1769," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1964: 10-11
GS 18
"Marriages, 1728-1785," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1976: 339-51
GS 18
"Partial Calendar of Non-extant Point Coupee Post Records, 1762-69," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 129-38
GS 18
"Roll of Point Coupee Artillery Company B," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1968: 16-17
GS 18
"St. George Chapel Marriages, 1883-84," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1973: 78
GS 18
"Spanish Census, 1766," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1960: 33; December 1960: 55
GS 18

Rapides Parish

"1800 Church Census of Rapides, Catahoula Lake and Cotile," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1992: 326-28
GS 18
"1810 Census," Bulletin of the Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society, October 1954: 2-3
GS 18
"1850 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1964: 5-8; September 1964: 35-39; December 1964: 60-62; March 1965: 16-18; June 1965: 58-60; December 1965: 75-78; Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1966: 16-20; June 1966: 37-40; September 1966: 57-60; December 1966: 77-80; March 1967: 17-20; June 1967: 35-40
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1968: 25
GS 18
"1870 Census, Alexandria," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1989: 27-35; September 1991: 270-76; December 1991: 352-66
GS 18
"Abstracts of Notarial Records from Cheneyville," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1983: 315-46
GS 18
"Alexandria Fires," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1979: 301-03, 305-06
GS 18
"Census, 1773," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 128-29
GS 18
"Compton Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 329-30
GS 18
"Cotton and the Americanization of the Rapides Post, 1800," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1982: 310-12, 325
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Louisiana Herald, 1820-21," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], February 1956: 37-38; April 1956: 43-45
GS 18
"Extract from the Red River Whig, 1841," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1961: 21-22
GS 18
"Hardscrabble Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 105
GS 18
"Hooper Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1991: 312-16
GS 18
"Index to Marriage Licenses, 1865-1900," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1968: 1-5; September 1968: 94-95; Decembe 1968: 139-40, 217-19; March 1969: 13-16; June 1969: 128-32; September 1969: 236-41; December 1969: 358-63: March 1970: 66-69; June 1970: 167-70; September 1970: 294-97; December 1970: 395-98; March 1971: 45-49; June 1971: 114-17; September 1971: 268-72; December 1971: 354-58; March 1972: 102-05; June 1972: 192-97; September 1972: 262, 273-75
GS 18
"Land Claims," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1986: 252-61; December 1986: 357-64, 399; March 1987: 77-83: September 1987: 380-87; December 1987: 355-60
GS 18
"Letters Held at Alexandria Post Office, 1820," Louisiana Genealogical Register, Decembe r1978: 323-24; June 1979: 109-10
GS 18
"National Scoiety of the Colonial Dames of America, Alexandria Committee, 1916-1991," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1992: 156-66
GS 18
"Oaths of Allegiance, 1864," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1979: 201-02
GS 18
"Petition from American Inhabitants, 1794," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1961: 36
GS 18
"Surveys, 1819-1829," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1971: 81-84
GS 18
"Trustees of Spring Creek Academy for 1840," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1983: 312-14
GS 18

Red River Parish

"Enumeration of Confederate Soldiers and Widows, 1908," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1961: 9-10; June 1961: 25-26
GS 18

Richland Parish

"Horn Cemetery," Family Trails, November 1978: 26-28
GS 18
"Rayville Masonic Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1981: 159-68; September 1981: 285-96; December 1981: 354-69
GS 18
"Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1992: 133-34
GS 18

Sabine Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1960: 25
GS 18
"Brief History of Negreet Community," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1992: 312-17
GS 18
"Marriage Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1966: 3-4
GS 18
"Relocated Cemeteries of Toledo Bend Project," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1967: 44
GS 18
"Toro Baptist Church," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1959: 17
GS 18

St. Bernard Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1955: 34
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Lousiana Genealogical Register, March 1968: 25
GS 18

St. Charles Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], October 1958: 39
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1968: 25
GS 18
Louisiana Historical Records Survey. Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana: no. 45, Saint Charles Parish (Hahnville). (1937)
guides (reference): Ref CD 3267 .S124 L888 1937
"Old Red Church and Cemetery," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1958: 25-26; October 1958: 33-34
GS 18
"Slaves on Payne Plantation, 1856," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1979: 380-83
GS 18

St. Helena Parish

"1820 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], February 1959: 5-6; April 1959: 11-21
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1968: 49
GS 18
"Amite Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1975: 309-14; March 1976: 7-13; June 1976: 179-90; September 1976: 272-83; December 1976: 358-72
GS 18
"Burials Omitted from Cemetery Book," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1993: 390
GS 18
Casey, Albert Eugene. Amite County, Mississippi, 1699-[1890]. (1948-1969)
GS 12: Ref F 347 .A5 C3
Vol. 3 includes St. Helena parish marriages, 1813-1875 and partial land successions, 1813-1874
"Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1971: 287-88; December 1975: 333-35; December 1978: 321; December 1979: 310
GS 18
"Center Methodist Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 109
GS 18
"Charter of the Farmers Bank, Freilerton, 1907," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1991: 367-68
GS 18
"Clinton Plantation Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1976: 142-43   GS 18
"Darlington Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June  1976: 140-42
GS 18
"Early Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1986: 318-20, 373
GS 18
"Elliott Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1978: 25
GS 18
"Expulsion of Alexander Bookter," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1970: 292-93
GS 18
"Glover Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1973: 236-37
GS 18
"Harrell Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1973: 83-85
GS 18
"Montpelier Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1978: 14-17
GS 18
Morris, Irene Reid. Around Kentwood It Is Remembered. (1967)
F 379 .K46 M67 1967
"New Zion Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1979: 69-72
GS 18
"People Mentioned in the Greensburg Imperial, 25 April 1857-12 October 1861," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1987: 321-29; March 1988: 28-38, 46
GS 18
"Pipkin’s Chapel Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1980: 252-53, 262
GS 18
Richards, Amable Peltier. The Saint Helena Rifles. (1968)
E 565.5 .R53 1968
"Successions on File," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1960: 11-12; June 1960: 20-21; September 1960: 36; December 1960: 52-54; December 1961: 53-59
GS 18
"Taylor Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1970: 339; June 1978: 166
GS 18
"Youngblood Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1976: 139-40
GS 18

St. James Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], October 1958: 39-40; December 1958: 44-45
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1968: 49
GS 18
"Marriages, 1809-48," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1969: 390-91; March 1970: 25-26; June 1970: 137; September 1970: 222-24
GS 18
"Records of Our Lady of Peace Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1972: 249-56; December 1972: 343-63
GS 18
"St. James Catholic Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1979: 311-17
GS 18
"St. Michel du Comte d’Acadie," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], April 1958: 10-11
GS 18
"Taxpayers, 1808," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1964: 52-53
GS 18

St. John the Baptist Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1958: 44
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1968: 127     
GS 18
"Taxpayers, 1808," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1964: 52-53
GS 18

St. Landry Parish

"1796 Census of the Opelousas Post," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1966: 7-8
GS 18
"1813 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1967: 21-23
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1968: 127; December 1968: 213
GS 18
"1850 Slave Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1969: 245-58; December 1969: 375-78
GS 18
"Aliens," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], October 1959: 33; March 1961: 4-5
GS 18
"Bellevue Variety Hall Assocation," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 101-05
GS 18
"Civil Marriages, 1807-1815," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1973: 54-60   
GS 18
"Conveyance Book 1810-1813," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1972: 299-306; December 1972: 414-20; June 1973: 175-80; September 1973: 248-53
GS 18
"Courville’s Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1978: 238-40     
GS 18
"Donation to Church of St. Landry," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1974: 196-97
GS 18
"Early Court Cases, 1805-07," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1972: 198-203   
GS 18
"Fontenot Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 6-8
GS 18
"Guillory Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1978: 319-21; September 1979: 263-68
GS 18
"Index to Death Notices in the Eunice New Era and the Eunice News, 1924-74," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1986: 378-81; March 1987: 67-76; June 1987: 160-69; September 1987: 265-72; December 1987: 330-39; March 1988: 63-74; June 1988: 166-80; September 1988: 243-64; December 1988: 378-91; March 1989: 3-17; June 1989: 132-41; September 1989: 272-78; December 1989: 371-78; March 1990: 68-74
GS 18
"Marriage Contracts and Wills, 1815-41," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1971: 286-87
GS 18
"Members of Two Lodges, 1854," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1987: 361
GS 18
"Miller Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 51-56
GS 18
"Miscellaneous Commissions, 1830-1831," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1972: 298
GS 18
"Mount Calvary Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1981: 32-62
GS 18
"New Zion Baptist Church No. 2 Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1978: 387
GS 18
"Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 392-97
GS 18
"St. Louis Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1981: 127-38; September 1981: 226-39, 262
GS 18
"St. Matilda’s Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 340-48, 377
GS 18
"St. Paul’s Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1981: 372-91; March 1982: 79-93; June 1982: 149-63; September 1982: 257-71; December 1982: 346-55; March 1983: 76-85; June 1983: 120-31; September 1983: 242-48, 238
GS 18
"St. Thomas Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1979: 54-55
GS 18
"Selected Clippings from the Opelousas Courier, 1884-1899," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1987: 170-75
GS 18
"Subscribers for Building an Early Protestant Church," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1961: 6
GS 18
"Ville Platte in 1870," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1983: 107-12
GS 18
"Waxia Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1973: 168-74
GS 18

St. Martin Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 213-14
GS 18
"C. H. Dickinson’s Map, 1883," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1984: 212-20; December 1984: 380-86, 394
GS 18
"Slave Census, 1812," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1974: 152-56; September 1974: 286-93
GS 18
"Zion Protestant Episcopal Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1971: 239-42; March 1972: 116, 127
GS 18

St. Mary Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 214      
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Planters Banner, 1846-53," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1958: 18-19; March 1962: 6; June 1962: 17-18; September 1962: 45; December 1962: 61-62; March 1963: 4-5
"Louisiana Lore," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1975: 101-04
GS 18
"Morgan City Cemetery  Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1982: 46-60; June 1982: 118-19
GS 18
"St. Mary’s Episcopal Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1971: 284-85
GS 18

St. Tammany Parish

"1811-12 Tax List," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1967: 72-73
GS 18
"1820 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1959: 21-22
GS 18
"1830 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 369-76
GS 18
"1835 Jury List," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1989: 87
GS 18
"1838 Jury List," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1967: 51
GS 18
"1850 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1981: 149-58, 170; September 1981: 245-56; December 1981: 312-31; March 1982: 64-78; June 1982: 130-44; September 1982: 276-89; December 1982: 326-45
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 214      
GS 18
"Austin Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1975: 138-41
GS 18
"Battalion Court Record, 1830," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1964: 52
GS 18
"Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 145, 172-75
GS 18
Includes Fendlason, Pilgrim Rest, Grantham, and Isabella Baptist Church
"Certain Complaints of Surveyors," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1960: 49
GS 18
"Changes of Domicile," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1965: 53-56; Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1966: 51-53
GS 18
"Christ Episcopal Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 100-01
GS 18
"Delinquent Taxpayers," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1993: 186-89
GS 18
"Early Deaths," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1964: 40-41
GS 18
"History of the St. Tammany Area," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1988: 162-65
GS 18
Hobolochitto Baptist Association. Minutes of the Annual Session. (N.d.)
BX 6248 .M7 H6
1971, 1974-75, 1977-78, 1980
"Index to Succession Books," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1990: 220-31; December 1990: 359-73; March 1991: 58-65; June 1991: 154-61; September 1991: 263-69
GS 18
"Index to Succession Records, 6th Judicial District Court," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1991: 336-39
GS 18
"Index to Taxable Property, 1851," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1993: 391-93
GS 18
"Judges," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1972: 207
GS 18
"Letters in Post Office, 1843," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1967: 6
GS 18
"Madisonville Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 3-9
GS 18
"Marriage License Book," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 17-19
GS 18
"Mortgage Book 1 (1847-1852)," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1986: 264-71
GS 18
"Mortgage Book, 1869," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1992: 264-70    
GS 18
"Mortgage Book C, 1871," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1992: 348-51
GS 18
"Mortgage Book D, 1872," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1993: 47-56; September 1993: 261-68
GS 18
Neff, Bertha Perreand. Index to the Marriages, 1812-1900. (1969)
GS 10: F 377 .S3 N4
"Official Voter Registration, 1868-1870," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1989: 149-61; September 1989: 240-49; December 1989: 351-61
GS 18
"St. Louis Cathedral Baptisms at Madisonville," Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society, February 1979: 97-99
GS 18
"St. Tammany Regiment, Louisiana Militia, 1862," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1966: 21-22; September 1966: 49-51
GS 18
"Selected Marriages," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1977: 208-09
GS 18
"Sharon Church Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 317
GS 18
"Suits and Successions of Eighth Judicial Court," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1987: 242-49, 261
GS 18
"Third District Court Papers," Louisiana Genealogical Register,  September 1973: 244-47
GS 18
"Voter Census, 1833," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1964: 4-5
GS 18
"Voters, 1833," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1989: 58-62
GS 18
Walker, Lester Stewart. "Labourers Together with God": a History of the Hobolochitto Baptist Association. (1979)
BX 6209 .M52 W3

Tangipahoa Parish

"Arcola Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 351-57
GS 18
"Baham Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1981: 244, 269
GS 18
"Bankston Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 29-31, 35
GS 18
"Bethel Baptist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1979: 304
GS 18
"Beulah Missionary Baptist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 380-81
GS 18
"Briar Patch Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1981: 115-20
GS 18
"Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1977: 246; September 1978: 253-67; March 1979: 43, 58, 61, 76; June  1979: 110, 112, 128, 141, 144, 158, 185; September 1979: 272, 275; September 1982: 252-56
GS 18
Last entry maps cemeteries within parish
"Edwards Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1979: 363-64
GS 18
"Friendship Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 69-70
GS 18
"Greenlawn Cemetery, Hammond," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1983: 161-75; September 1983: 266-80; March 1984: 71-79; June 1984: 175-79; September 1984: 243-52; December 1984: 356-70
GS 18
"Gunn Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1978: 164
GS 18
"Hennesy Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1980: 263-64
GS 18
Hobolochitto Baptist Association. Minutes of the Annual Session. (N.d.)
BX 6248 .M7 H6
1971, 1974-75, 1977-78, 1980
"Hughes Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1980: 249, 299
GS 18
"Hyde Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1978: 264-67
GS 18
"Land Transactions," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1971: 192; September 1972: 277-78; March 1972: 55-59; June 1972: 212-18
GS 18
"Lee Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1981: 19-20, 82
GS 18
"Lowery Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1981: 261-62
GS 18
"Mixon Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1979: 269-70
GS 18
Morris, Irene Reid. Around Kentwood It Is Remembered. (1967)
F 379 .K46 M67 1967
"Mt. Zion Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1981: 217-18, 262
GS 18
"Registered Voters, 1874," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1989: 228-33; December 1989: 338-48
GS 18
"Sharkey Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1981: 221-22, 243  
GS 18
"Shiloh Church of Christ," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1977: 268      
GS 18
"Spring Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 315-16
GS 18
"Stevens Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 378-79
GS 18
"Tangipahoa Baptist Association, 1900-1913," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1974: 66-74
GS 18
"Tangipahoa Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1978: 253-63    
GS 18
"Thomas Funeral Home Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1985: 157-65; September 1985: 251-60; December 1985: 370-76; March 1986: 53-60; June 1986: 136-45; September 1986: 219-28; December 1986: 365-73
GS 18
"Union Baptist Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1974: 273-77
GS 18
"Vernon Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1981: 8, 65
GS 18
Walker, Lester Stewart. "Labourers Together with God": a History of the Hobolochitto Baptist Association. (1979)
BX 6209 .M52 W3
"Waller Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1980: 160-61
GS 18

Tensas Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 214      
GS 18
Logan, Marie T. Mississippi-Louisiana Border Country. (1970)
GS 12: F 349 .R63 L63
"Marriage Records, 1850-1866," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1971: 371-72; March 1972: 121, 123
GS 18
"Tensas Parish Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1971: 4-7
GS 18

Terrebonne Parish

"1830 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1979: 256-62
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 215      
GS 18
"List of Guns ... as Donation from ... Terrebonne Parish, 1862," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 42-43
GS 18

Union Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 215-16
GS 18
"Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1967: 44
GS 18
"Cook Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1967: 43-44
GS 18
"Registered Voters, 1898," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1993: 336-42
GS 18
"Union Parish," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1990: 258-59
GS 18

Vermillion Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], February 1955: 3-4
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 216      
GS 18
"Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1981: 66
GS 18

Vernon Parish

"Abstracts of Selected Successions," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1960: 14; June 1960: 28; September 1960: 43; December 1960: 59-60
GS 18
"Assessor’s List of Businessmen, 1907," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 120, 123
GS 18
"Cemeteries on Ft. Polk," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1975: 306; March 1977: 80, 84
GS 18
"Cupit’s Vernon Parish Families," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1983: 15-24; June 1983: 177-86; September 1984: 387-91; June 1985: 166-78; September 1985: 270-81, 286; December 1985: 377-86, 329; March 1986: 77-84; June 1986: 171-80; Setpember 1986: 272-79; June 1987: 178-83; September 1987: 273-76; December 1987: 362-69
GS 18
"Persons Born in Mississippi Living in Cupit’s Vernon Parish, Louisiana," Family Trails, August 1985: 75
GS 18
"Upper Mt. Moriah Cemetery," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1965:69-70
GS 18

Washington Parish

"1820 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], June 1959: 22; August 1959: 30-31
GS 18
"1840 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1980: 330-37
GS 18
"1850 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1960: 4; June 1960: 23-24; September 1960: 39-40; December 1960: 58-59; June 1962: 27-28; September 1962: 42-43; December 1962: 57-58; March 1968: 6-10; September 1963: 44-47; December 1963: 55-58
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1968: 215      
GS 18
"1855 Jury List," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1967: 50
GS 18
"Adams Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1979: 279-80
GS 18
"Belloch Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 378-79
GS 18
"Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1977: 260-61
GS 18
"Certain Complaints of Surveyors," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1960: 49
GS 18
"Half-moon Bluff Baptist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 163-64
GS 18
"Headrights, 1820," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], April 1959: 9-10
GS 18
Hobolochitto Baptist Association. Minutes of the Annual Session. (N.d.)
BX 6248 .M7 H6
1971, 1974-75, 1977-78, 1980
"Landgrants before 1836," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 163, 169
GS 18
Louisiana Historical Records Survey. Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana: no. 59, Washington Parish (Franklinton). (1940)
guides (reference): Ref CD 3267 .W3 L888 1940
"Mount Hermon Baptist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1977: 379-80
GS 18
"Port Hudson," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1983: 216-23
GS 18
"San Pedro Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1981: 145-47
GS 18
"Schools, 1905," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1977: 16
GS 18
Walker, Lester Stewart. "Labourers Together with God": a History of the Hobolochitto Baptist Association. (1979)
BX 6209 .M52 W3
Williams, E. Russ. Legal Records of Washington Parish, 1819-1897. (1962)
GS 10: F 377 .W3 W5

Webster Parish

"Leary Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1972: 318
GS 18
"Pleasant Valley Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1980: 66
GS 18

West Baton Rouge Parish

"1810 Census," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1956: 70
GS 18
"1850 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1982: 168-82; September 1982: 234-48; December 1982: 360-72; March 1983: 51-66
GS 18
"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], Mach 1961: 7
GS 18
"1870 Census," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1983: 281-94; March 1985: 56-65; June 1984: 165-73; September 1984: 253-60, 295
GS 18
"C. H. Dickinson’s Map, 1883," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1984: 212-20; December 1984: 380-86, 394
GS 18
"Devall Town Boom," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1984: 66-70
GS 18
"Muster Roll, West Baton Rouge Tirrailleurs, 1861," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1978: 167
GS 18
"Roll of Delta Rifles, 1861," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1979: 111-12
GS 18
"St. John the Baptist Church Marriage Records," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1975: 78-83; June 1975: 142-47; September 1975: 276-81
GS 18
"Steamboat Princess," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1985: 122-29, 199
GS 18

West Carroll Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1962: 5
GS 18
"Army Discharges from Oak Grove, La.," Family Trails, August 1981: 63-65
GS 18
World War II discharges
"Marriage and Deaths from the Carroll Record, 1868," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 98; June 1969: 179-80
GS 18
"Marriages," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1984: 125-32; September 1984: 222-30; December 1984: 371-79; March 1985: 53-60; June 1985: 148-55; December 1985: 345-54; March 1986: 14-23; June 1986: 122-32; September 1986: 236-45; December 1986: 346-56; March 1987: 41-49, 56; June 1987: 147-57, 146
GS 18

West Feliciana Parish

"1850 Mortality Schedule," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1962: 44    
GS 18
"Accounts from Young & Robinson Store," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1969: 80-82
GS 18
"Cemeteries," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1973: 297
GS 18
"Centenary College Catalog, 1852-53," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1968: 79-83
GS 18
"Centenary College Diploma," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1968: 44
GS 18
"Concord Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1975: 282-84
GS 18
"Early Settlers," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1961: 51-52
GS 18
"Excerpts from the Louisiana Journal, 1825-26," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], April 1957: 2-4
GS 18
"Excerpts from the True Democrat, 1917," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1979: 20-22
GS 18
"First Baptist Church, Jackson," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1977: 239
GS 18
"Grace Church Cemetery," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1965: 7-8
GS 18
"Holders of Valid Land Titles, 1813-24," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1978: 314-16
GS 18
"Lemon Cemetery," Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1964: 41-42
GS 18
"Letters in St. Francisville Post Office, 1833," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1970: 190
GS 18
"Marriage Index, 1791-1875," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1969: 177-78; September 1969: 242-45; June 1970: 193-96; March 1971: 42-45; December 1971: 314-16
GS 18
"Oaklands Plantation Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1977: 167-69
GS 18
"Old Jackson Cemetery," Bulletin of the Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society, February 1954: 2-4; April 1954: 3-5; June 1954: 3-4; August 1954: 5-7; October 1954: 4-6
GS 18
"Parish Deaths, 1839-53," Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1983: 151-57
GS 18
"Registration of Students, Centenary College, 1845-1894," Mississippi Genealogy and Local History, March 1975: 3-14
GS 18
"Rogillio," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1979: 3-5
GS 18
"St. Alban’s Lodge, No. 28, F&AM," Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1972: 37-40
GS 18
"St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Cemetery," Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1970: 340
GS 18

Winn Parish

"St. Maurice Methodist Church," Louisiana Genealogical Register, September 1970: 209-10
GS 18


Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records and U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to 1790-1810 censuses for Maine; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to 1820 census; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to 1830 census; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to 1840 census; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
A.I.S. index to 1850 census; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: Maine. (1966)
GS 2: Rf F 24 .U5 1966


Acadians in Maryland, Genealogical Register [Louisiana], March 1961: 10-11, 16; June 1961: 24-25
GS 18
Barnes, Robert William. Maryland Marriages, 1634-1777. (1975)
GS 11: F 180 .B38
Brumbaugh, Gaius Marcus. Maryland Records, Colonial, Revolutionary, County and Church, from Original Sources. (1915)
GS 11: Ref F 180 .B89
2 vols.
Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; covers Maryland 1790-1810; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A. I. S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850-1860 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
A.I.S. index to 1850 census only; 79 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census of Acadians, 1763, Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1974: 392-95
GS 18
Magruder, James Mosby. Index of Maryland Colonial Wills, 1634-1777, in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD. (1967)
GS 11: F 180 .M23 1967
Skordas, Gust. The Early Settlers of Maryland. (1968)
GS 11: Ref F 180 .S55
Some Unusual Maryland Land Names, Genealogical Helper, May 1977: 242-43
GS 18
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: Maryland. (1965)
GS 2: F 185 .U5 1965
Weis, Frederick Lewis. The Colonial Clergy of Maryland, Delaware, and Georgia. (1950)
GS 6: BR 520 .W43

Baltimore (city)

Known Mississippians Who Died at Baltimore and Ft. McHenry, Maryland, Family Trails, February 1988: 69
GS 18
Civil War prisoners of war

Calvert County

Origins of Calvert County, Maryland, Genealogical Helper, May 1975: 284-85
GS 18


Bolton, Charles Knowles. Marriage Notices, 1785-1794, for the Whole United States, Copied from the Massachusetts Centinel and the Columbian Centinel. (1965)
GS 17: CS 68 .B7 1965
Most marriages included are from New England
Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to Massachusetts census 1790-1810; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Excerpts from the Flag of Our Union, 1853, Family Trails, February 1978: 17-18     
GS 18
Excerpts from the Old Colony Memorial [Plymouth], 1873, Family Trails, February 1978: 28-29
GS 18
Genealogical Sources, Southwestern Genealogist, January 1969: 1-3
GS 18
Jacobson, Judy. Massachusetts Bay Connections: Historical and Biographical Sketches of the Towns and Communities of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. (1994)
GS 17: F 63 .J36 1994
Mayflower Compact, Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society, June 1970: 23-29
GS 18
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: Massachusetts. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 69 .U52 1966

Middlesex County

Harvard University. Class of 1910. Report. (N.d.)
LD 2147 .A2 1910
1925, 1930, 1935, and 1940 reports


Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records;  57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 240 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Jacobson, Judy. Detroit River Connections: Historical and Biographical Sketches of the Eastern Great Lakes Border Region. (1994)
GS 17: F 572 .D46 J32 1994x
Thatcher, Marshall P. A Hundred Battles in the West. (1986)
E 492.5 .M5 T42 1986
2d Michigan Cavalry, Civil War

Genesee County

Recent Obituaries of Former Louisiana Residents Who Migrated to Genesee County, Michigan, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1991: 165; December 1991: 319; March 1992: 32
GS 18

Wayne County

List of Emigrants from the Detroit Area, 1765, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1981: 194-95
GS 18


Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
A.I.S. index to 1850 census; 240 fiche; ask for specific surname

Ramsey County

Williams, J. Fletcher. A History of the City of St. Paul, and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. (1876)
F 587 .R6 R6

Wright County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Rockford only


Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 240 fiche; ask for specific surnames
American Families at Four Frontier Posts, Genealogical Helper, November 1983: 5-13
GS 18
Early Settlers of Louisiana as Taken from Land Claims in the Eastern District of the Orleans Territory. (1968)
GS 7: F 368 .E27 1986
Shipley, Alberta D. The History of Black Baptists in Missouri: National Baptist Convention, U.S.A. (1976)
GS 17: BR 563 .N4 S56

Audrain County

Bryan, William Smith. A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri. (1935)
GS 17: Ref F 465 .B91 1935

Callaway County

Bryan, William Smith. A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri. (1935)
GS 17: Ref F 465 .B91 1935
Parrish, William Earl. Westminster College: an Informal History, 1851-1969. (1971)
LD 6031 .W52 P3

Montgomery County

Bryan, William Smith. A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri. (1935)
GS 17: Ref F 465 .B91 1935

St. Charles County

Bryan, William Smith. A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri. (1935)
GS 17: Ref F 465 .B91 1935
St. Charles County, Missouri, Archives, Genealogical Helper, March 1977: 158
GS 18

St. Louis (city)

Dobney, Frederick J. River Engineers on the Middle Mississippi: A History of the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (1978)
TC 423.4 .D63
Rodabough, John. Frenchtown. (1980)
F 474 .S257 R63

Warren County

Bryan, William Smith. A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri. (1935)
GS 17: Ref F 465 .B91 1935


Research in Nebraska, Genealogical Helper, July 1977: 378-80
GS 18

New Hampshire

Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames; indexes New Hampshire for 1790-1810
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: New Hampshire. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 38 .A57 1966

New Jersey

Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records for New Jersey for 1800; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Hinshaw, William Wade. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. (1991). Vol. 2
GS 6: Ref E 184 .F89 H52 1991 v. 2
Nelson, William. New Jersey Marriage Records, 1665-1800. (1967)
GS 17: F 137 .N437
New Jersey. Adjutant-General’s Office. Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War. (1967)
GS 5: E 263 .N5 N55 1967
Pyne, Henry R. The History of the First New Jersey Cavalry. (1871)
E 521.6 1st
16th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers, Civil War

Hudson County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (n.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Jersey City only

Monmouth County

Symmes, Frank Rosebrook. History of the Old Tennent Church. (1897)
GS 17: F 144 .T29 S89

New Mexico

Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 240 fiche; ask for specific surnames; includes New Mexico Territory

New York

Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Fernow, Berthold. Calendar of Wills on File and Recorded in the Offices of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, of the County Clerk at Albany, and of the Secretary of State, 1626-1836. (1967)
GS 17: F 118 .F36 1967
Hinshaw, William Wade. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. (1991). Vol. 3
GS 6: Ref E 184 .F89 H52 1991 v. 3
Known Mississippians Who Died in Prisons in New York and Rhode Island, Family Trails, August 1988: 51
GS 18
Civil War prisoners of war
New York (Colony). New York Marriages Previous to 1784. (1968)
GS 17: F 118 .N485
New York State Historical Inventory Guides, Everton’s Genealogical Helper, September 1993: 28
GS 18
Describes use of the guides
New York State’s Official Appointed Historians, Genealogical Helper, July 1990: 14-15
GS 18
Rupp, I. Daniel. A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French, and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727-1776. (1965)
GS 3: F 152 .R9614 1965
Includes some immigrants to New York
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: New York. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 123 .U5 1966

Chemung County

Confederate Soldiers Who Died in Elmira Prison Camp, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 7 (1990), no. 4: 20-24; vol. 8 (1991), no. 1: 16-20; vol. 8 (1991), no. 2: 1-3; vol. 8 (1991), no. 3: 77-81; vol. 9 (1992), no. 2: 24-26; vol. 9 (1992), no. 3: 40-42
GS 18
Civil War prisoners of war

Montgomery County

Tryon County Committee of Safety Members Who Applied for Revolutionary War Pensions, Genealogical Helper, November 1988: 9-11
GS 18

Suffolk County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (n.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Brookhaven township only

Westchester County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (n.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Eastchester only
Perry, William Graves. The Old Dutch Burying Groun of Sleepy Hollow in North Tarrytown, New York. (1953)
GS 17: F 129 .N82 P5

North Carolina

1800 Census [Second Census of the U.S., 1800]. (n.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1800 .A2
6 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819]
1810 Census [Third Census of the U.S., 1810]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1810 .A2
6 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819]
1820 Census [Fourth Census of the U.S., 1820]. (n.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1820 .A2
6 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829]
1830 Census [Fifth Census of the U.S., 1830]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1830 .A2
8 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839]
1840 Census [Sixth Census of the U.S., 1840]. (n.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1840 .A2
21 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849]
1850 Census [Seventh Census of the U.S., 1850]. (n.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1850 .A2
31 reels, free schedule; 7 reels, slave schedule; free schedule indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860]
1860 Census [Eighth Census of the U.S., 1860]. (n.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1860 .A2
34 reels, free schedule; 8 reels, slave schedule
1870 Census [Ninth Census of the U.S.]. (n.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1870 .A2
46 reels
1880 Census [Tenth Census of the U.S.]. (n.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1880 .A2
39 reels
1900 Census [Twelfth Census of the U.S., 1900]. (n.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1900 .A2
46 reels
An Abstract of North Carolina Wills from about 1760 to about 1800. (1954)
GS 13: Ref F 251 .N89
Supplements Abstracts of North Carolina Wills [F 253 .N86 1967]
Bentley, Elizabeth Petty. Index to the 1800 Census of North Carolina. (1977)
GS 2: Ref F 253 .B46
Bentley, Elizabeth Petty. Index to the 1810 Census of North Carolina. (1978)
GS 2: Ref F 253 .B462
Burgner, Goldene Fillers. North Carolina Land Grants Recorded in Greene County, Tennessee. (1981)
GS 15: F 443 .G75 B86 1981
Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames; indexes census [NFX HA 201 1800 .A2; NFX HA 201 1810 .A2]
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames; indexes census [NFX HA 201 1820 .A2]
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames; indexes census [NFX HA 201 1830 .A2]
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames; indexes census [NFX HA 201 1840 .A2]
Census Index, 1850 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 79 fiche; ask for specific surnames; indexes 1850 census only for North Carolina [NFX HA 201 1850 .A2]
Clemens, William Montgomery. North and South Carolina Marriage Records from the Earliest Colonial Days to the Civil War. (1973)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .C62 1973
Dobson, David. Directory of Scots in the Carolinas, 1680-1830. (1986)
GS 13: Ref F 265 .S3 D63
Family Tree Maker Marriage Index: KY, NC, TN, VA, WV, 1728-1850. (1995). 1 CD
Records come from a variety of sources and may not be a complete listing of all marriages occuring in these states for this time period
Reference desk: CSX F 208 .F36 1995
Foote, William Henry. Sketches of North Carolina: Historical and Biographical. (1912)
F 258 .F68 1912
Hassell, Cushing Biggs. History of the Church of God ...  (1886)
BR 145 .H38
Includes history of the Kehukee Primitive Baptist Assocation
Hinshaw, William Wade. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. (1991). Vol. 1
GS 6: Ref E 184 .F89 H52 1991 v. 1
Histories of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War, 1861-’65. (1982)
GS 13: E 573.4 .H57 1982
5 vols.
Hoffman, Margaret M. Colony of North Carolina: Abstracts of Land Patents. (1982-84)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H627 1982
Vol. 1: 1735-1764; vol. 2: 1765-1775
Holcomb, Brent. North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina. (1980)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H64 1980
Mississippiana from North Carolina, Mississippi Genealogical Exchange, Summer 1967: 28
GS 18
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution of North Carolina. Roster of Soldiers from North Carolina in the American Revolution. (1967)
GS 5: E 263 .N8 D17 1967
North Carolina Grants in Greene County, Tennessee, Family Trails, November 1988 - February 1989:  66-76
GS 18
North Carolina Grants in Sullivan County, Tennessee, Family Trails, August 1988: 20-23
GS 18
The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register.  (1900-03)
GS 13: Ref F 251 .N89
3 vols. and index; volume numbers on spines are wrong and care must be used in locating information from the index
North Carolina Land Grants Made in Washington County, Tennessee, Family Trails, February 1988: 70-71, 73-77
GS 18
North Carolina, Secretary of State. Abstract of North Carolina Wills. (1967)
GS 13: F 253 .N86 1967
Most wills dated 1663-1760; complete text of some wills appears in North Carolina Wills and Inventories [F 253 .N86114 1967]; some later wills are abstracted in Abstracts of North Carolina Wills ... 1760 to about 1800 [F 253 .A37 1954]; also earlier printing
North Carolina. Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills and Inventories. (1967)
GS 13: F 253 .N86115 1967
Full text of some of the wills abstracted in Abstract of North Carolina Wills [F 253 .N86 1967]; most wills fall in period from 1663-1760
North Carolna State Library. Marriage and Death Notices from Raleigh Register and North Carolina State Gazette, 1799-1825. (1989)
GS 13: Ref F 258 .N67 1989
Ratcliff, Clarence E. North Carolina Taxpayers. (1984-87)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .R37 1984
Vol. 2 (1679-1790) only
Rupp, I. Daniel. A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French, and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727-1776. (1965)
GS 3: F 152 .R9614 1965
Includes some immigrants to North Carolina
Special Schedules of the 11th Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A5
5 reels
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: North Carolina. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 258 .U9 1966
Weis, Frederick Lewis. The Colonial Clergy of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. (1955)
GS 6: BR 569 .W42
Wheeler, John Hill. Historical Sketches of North Carolina from 1584 to 1851. (1964)
F 254 .W562 1964
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes some North Carolina certificates of survey and some land grants, 1793-94
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Alamance County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Albemarle County

Ray, Worth Stickney. Old Albemarle and Its Absentee Landlords. (1976)
GS 13: F 253 .R382 1976

Alexander County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Alleghany County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Anson County

Hofmann, Margaret M. The Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: Abstracts of Land Grants. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H628 1986
Items with a Mississippi Connection, Mississippi Genealogical Exchange, Fall 1966: 54-55
GS 18
Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.
McBee, May Wilson. Anson County, North Carolina, Abstracts of Early Records. (1950)
GS 13: F 262 .A5 M3

Ashe County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Beaufort County

Hofmann, Margaret M. The Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: Abstracts of Land Grants. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H628 1986
Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Bertie County

Bell, Mary Best. Colonial Bertie County, North Carolina: Deed Books A-H, 1720-1757. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .B38 B4 1977
Hofmann, Margaret M. The Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: Abstracts of Land Grants. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H628 1986
Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Bladen County

Hofmann, Margaret M. The Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: Abstracts of Land Grants. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H628 1986
Holcomb, Brent. Bladen County, North Carolina, Abstracts of Early Deeds, 1738-1804. (1979)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .B45 H64
Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Brunswick County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Buncombe County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.
Topkins, Robert M. Marriage and Death Notices from Extant Ashville, N.C. Newspapers, 1840-1870: an Index. (1977)
GS 13: F 262 .B94 T66
Wooley, James E. Buncombe County, North Carolina, Index to Deeds, 1783-1850. (1983)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .B94 W66 1983

Burke County

Huggins, Edith Warren. Burke County, North Carolina, Land Records. (1985)
GS 13: F 262 .B96 H83
4 vols.
Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.
Walton, Thomas George. Sketches of the Pioneers in Burke County History. (1984)
GS 13: F 262 .B96 W35 1984
White, Emmett R. Revolutionary War Soldiers of Western North Carolina: Burke County. (1984)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .B96 W47 1984

Bute County

Kerr, Mary Hinton Duke. Warren County, North Carolina Records. (1983)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .W27 K47 1983
Includes miscellaneous Bute County colonial records and marriages

Cabarrus County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Caldwell County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Camden County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Cartaret County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Caswell County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.
Withers Cemetery, Mississippi Cemetery and Bible Records, 1961: 117-18
GS 12: Ref F 340 .M48

Catawba County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Chatham County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Cherokee County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Chowan County

Hoffmann, Margaret M. Chowan Precinct, North Carolina, 1696 to 1723, Genealogical Abstracts of Deed Books. (1976)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A33 H6 1976
Hofmann, Margaret M. The Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: Abstracts of Land Grants. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H628 1986
Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Clay County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Cleveland County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (n.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2
Township no. 2 only
Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Columbus County

Johnson, William Perry. Index to North Carolina Wills, 1663-1900. (1963)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .A15 J6 1663-1900
2 vols.

Cumberland County

The Braggadier. (N.d.)
U 428.5 .B7
1971-72; annual review of Ft. Bragg
Hofmann, Margaret M. The Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: Abstracts of Land Grants. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H628 1986

Currituck County

Hofmann, Margaret M. The Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: Abstracts of Land Grants. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H628 1986

Dobbs County

Hofmann, Margaret M. The Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: Abstracts of Land Grants. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H628 1986

Duplin County

Draughon, Eleanor Daphine Smith. Duplin County, North Carolina, Abstracts of Deeds. (1983)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .D77 D73 1983
Murphy, William L. Duplin County, Wills, 1730-1860. (1986)
GS 13: F 262 .D77 M87 1986
Peterson, Max R. Abstracts of Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 4-6 (ca 1762 to ca. 1779). (1984)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S3 P48 1984
Peterson, Max R. Abstracts, Sampson-Duplin and Sampson County Deeds, Book, 7-9 (ca. 1780 to ca. 1794). (1985)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S3 P46 1985
Peterson, Max R. Abstracts, Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 1-3 (ca. 1750 to ca. 1774). (1983)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S3 P47 1983
Sikes, Leon H. Duplin County Cemetery Records. (1986)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .D77

Edgecombe County

Hoffmann, Margaret M. Abstracts of Deeds, Edgecombe Precinct, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, 1732 though 1758. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .E2 H64 1987
Hofmann, Margaret M. The Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763: Abstracts of Land Grants. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H628 1986
Johnston, Hugh Buckner. Deaths and Marriages from Tarboro, North Carolina, Newspapers, 1824-1865. (1985)
GS 13: Ref F 264 .T17 J64 1985
Watson, Joseph W. Estate Records of Edgecombe County, North Carolina. (1970)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .E2 W32
Vol. 2: 1820-1860
Watson, Joseph W. Kinfolks of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, 1788-1855. (1981)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .E2 W33 1981

Franklin County

Watson, Joseph W. Abstracts of the Early Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, 1779-1797. (1984) 
GS 13: Ref F 262 .F8 W37 1984

Gaston County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (n.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
South Point township and River Bend township only

Granville County

Gwynn, Zae Hargett. Abstracts of the Wills and Estate Records of Granville County, North Carolina. (1973)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .G85 G85
Vol. 1, 1746-1808
Ray, Worth S. Colonial Granville County and Its People. (1945)
GS 13; Ref F 262 .G85 R3

Halifax County

Hofmann, Margaret M. Abstracts: Granville Grantees, Halifax County, North Carolina, 1749-1763. (N.d.)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .H2 H6
Hoffman, Margaret M. Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, 1758 through 1824, Halifax County, North Carolina. (1970)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .H2 H64 1970

Iredell County

Schneider, Lois. Abstracts of Unrecorded Wills, 1788-1915, and Will Book III, 1845-1868 of Iredell County, North Carolina. (1983)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .I7 S35 1983
Schneider, Lois. Abstracts of Will Books I, IA, and II of Iredell County, North Carolina, 1788-1845. (1980)           
GS 13: Ref F 262 .I7 S36
Schneider, Lois. Inventory of the Estate Papers of Iredell County, North Carolina, 1788-1915. (1987)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .I7 S37 1987

Johnston County

Holcomb, Brent. Marriages of Johnston County, North Carolina, 1762-1868. (1985).
GS 13: Ref F 262 .J6 H65 1995

Lincoln County

Holcomb, Brent. Deed Abstracts of Tryon, Lincoln & Rutherford Counties, North Carolina, 1769-1786. (1977)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .L6 H64 1977
Philbeck, Miles S. Lincoln County, North Carolina Will Abstracts, 1779-1910. (1986)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .L6 P48 1986
Sherrill, William Lander. Annals of Lincoln County, North Carolina. (1937)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .L6 S5

Macon County

Wooley, James E. Macon County, North Carolina Marriages, 1829-1939. (1984)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .M2 W66 1984

Mecklenburg County

Death Notices from the Charlotte Journal, Mississippi Genealogical Exchange, Summer 1968: 63
GS 18
Holcomb, Brent. Marriages of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 1783-1868. (1981)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .M4 H63
Holcomb, Brent. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1763-1779. (1979)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .M4 H64 1979

Montgomery County

1860 Census Index, Family Trails, November 1989: 29-35
GS 18
No page numbers given for census

New Hanover County

North Carolina. Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions (New Hanover County). New Hanover County Court Minutes. (1958)
GS 13: F 262 .N5 A55
Vol. 1: 1738-69; vol. 2: 1771-85; vol. 3: 1786-93; vol. 4: 1784-1800

Northampton County

Hofmann, Margaret M. Northampton County, North Carolina, 1759-1808: Genealogical Abstracts of Wills. (1975)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .N7 H63 1975
Northampton Co., NC. Abstracts of Deeds, Northampton County, North Carolina, 1741-1759, Public Registry, Deed Book One and Deed Book Two. (1968)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .N7 N77

Rockingham County

Webster, Irene B. Rockingham County, North Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1785-1800. (1983)
GS 13; Ref F 262 .R7 W4 1983
Webster, Irene B. Rockingham County, North Carolina Will Abstracts 1785-1865. (1984)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .W32

Rowan County

Holcomb, Brent. Marriages of Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1868. (1981)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .R8 H64
Linn, Jo White. 1815 Rowan County, North Carolina, Tax Listi. (1987)
GS 13: F 262 .R8 L46 1987
Linn, Jo White. Abstracts of the Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1785. (1983)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .R8 L47 1983
Linn, Jo White. Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina. (1982)
GS 13: Ref KFN 7916 .R68 A7 1753
Vol. 1: 1753-1762; vol. 2: 1763-1774; vol. 3: 1775-1789
Linn, Jo White. Abstracts of Wills and Estate Records of Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1805 and Tax Lists of 1759 and 1778. (1980)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .R8 L48

Rutherford County

Griffin, Clarence W. History of Old Tryon and Rutherford Counties, North Carolna, 1730-1936. (1982)
GS 13: F 262 .R9 G7 1982
Holcomb, Brent. Deed Abstracts of Tryon, Lincoln & Rutherford Counties, North Carolina, 1769-1786. (1977)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .L6 H64 1977
Wooley, James E. Rutherford County, North Carolina, Wills and Miscellaneous Records, 1783-1868. (1984)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .R9 W66 1984

Sampson County

Peterson, Max R. Abstracts of Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 4-6 (ca 1762 to ca. 1779). (1984)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S3 P48 1984
Peterson, Max R. Abstracts, Sampson-Duplin and Sampson County Deeds, Book, 7-9 (ca. 1780 to ca. 1794). (1985)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S3 P46 1985
Peterson, Max R. Abstracts, Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 1-3 (ca. 1750 to ca. 1774). (1983)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S3 P47 1983
Peterson, Max R. Abstracts, Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Books 10-12 (ca. 1794 to ca. 1804). (1986)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S3 P49 1986

Stokes County

Absher, Mrs. W. O. Stokes County, North Carolina Deeds, Volumes I & II, 1787-1797. (1985)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S8 A269 1985
Absher, Mrs. W. O. Stokes County, North Carolina, Wills, Volumes I-IV, 1790-1864. (1985)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S8 A28 1985

Surry County

Absher, Mrs. W. O. Surry County, North Carolina, Abstracts Deed Books A, B, and C (1770-1788). (1981)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S9 A24 1981
Absher, Mrs. W. O. Surry County, North Carolina, Deeds: Books D, E, and F, 1779-1797. (1985)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .S9 A253 1985

Tryon County

Griffin, Clarence W. History of Old Tryon and Rutherford Counties, North Carolna, 1730-1936. (1982)
GS 13: F 262 .R9 G7 1982
Holcomb, Brent. Deed Abstracts of Tryon, Lincoln & Rutherford Counties, North Carolina, 1769-1786. (1977)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .L6 H64 1977

Warren County

Kerr, Mary Hinton Duke. Warren County, North Carolina Records. (1983)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .W27 K47 1983

Wayne County

Watson, Joseph W. Kinfolks of Wayne County, North Carolina, 1783-1832. (1986)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .W4 W38 1986
Stated or implied relationships abstracted from wills

Wilkes County

Holcomb, Brent. Marriages of Wilkes County, North Carolina, 1778-1868. (1983)
GS 13: Ref F 262 .W6 H64 1983


Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 240 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Legal Description of Land in Ohio, Genealogical Helper, November 1978: 5-7
GS 18
Mississippi Confederates Buried Elsewhere, Family Trails, February 1987: 104-05   
GS 18

Includes those buried on Johnson’s Island
Ohio. Vicksburg Battlefield Commission. Ohio at Vicksburg. (1906)
vault: E 475.27 .O3
Includes Ohio units that fought at Vicksburg
Researching in Ohio, Genealogical Helper, January 1991: 1-16
GS 18

Butler County

Mississippi Students Who Attended Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, Family Trails, February 1984: 14; May 1984: 14; August 1984: 78; February 1985: 24; August 1987: 103
GS 18

Clinton County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (n.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Wayne township only

Columbiana County

Centennial Magazine: Salem’s Current Thought. (1906)
AP 2 .Z9 C4

Erie County

Johnson’s Island Confederate Cemetery, Chickasaw Times Past, July 1985: 72-73; October 1985: 125-26; January 1986: 165
GS 18

Franklin County

Franklintonian. [Franklin County, Ohio Genealogical Society]. 1989.
GS 18
Known Mississippians Who Died at Camp Chase or Camp Dennison, Family Trails, Augusts 1988: 51-55
GS 18

Hamilton County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (n.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Cincinnati only

Mahoning County

Immigrants and Steel: Family Records in Youngstown, Ohio, Everton’s Genealogical Helper, May 1993: 8-9
GS 18
Research methods in Youngstown



1855 Census of Choctaw Nation Indian Territory. (1993)
GS 2: Ref HA 356 .C4 1855


Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
A.I.S index to census and other records; 240 fiche; ask for specific surnames


Background for Genealogical Research in Pennsylvania, Genealogical Helper, January1 976: 3-9
GS 18
Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Hinshaw, William Wade. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. (1991). Vol. 2
GS 6: Ref E 184 .F89 H52 1991 v. 2
Names of Persons for Whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued in the Province of Pennsylvania Previous to 1790. (1963)
GS 17: F 148 P45 1963
An Outline of Pennsylvania Genealogical Sources, Southwestern Genealogist, March 1969: 21-25
GS 18
Price, Isaiah. History of the Ninety-seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, during the War of the Rebellion. (1875)
E 527.5 97th .P7
Rupp, I. Daniel. A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French, and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727-1776. (1965)
GS 3: F 152. R9614 1965
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: Pennsylvania. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 153 .U5 1966

Adams County

Krick, Robert K. The Gettysburg Death Roster: the Confederate Dead at Gettysburg. (1985)
GS 5: Ref E 548 .K74 1985

Lancaster County

Rupp, I. Daniel. History of Lancaster County. (1844)
F 157 .L2 R9

Philadelphia County

Acadian Records from St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, 1758-1775, Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1963: 37
GS 18
Hocker, Edward W. Germantown, 1683-1933. (1933)
GS 17: F 159 .G3 H53 1933
The River’s Source Was  a Small Stream Named Germantown, Genealogical Helper, September 1983: 5-11
GS 18

Rhode Island

Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Known Mississippians Who Died in Prisons in New York and Rhode Island, Family Trails, August 1988: 51
GS 18
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: Rhode Island. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 83 .U5 1966

Washington County

Selected Marriages from Gravestones, Southwestern Genealogist, April 1977: 9
GS 18

South Carolina

1790 Census [First Census of the U.S., 1790]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1790 .A2
also in hard copy [Ref F 273 .U5 1966]
1800 Census [Second Census of the U.S., 1800]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1800 .A2
4 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819]
1810 Census [Third Census of the U. S., 1810]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1810 .A2
3 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819]
1820 Census [Fourth Census of the U. S., 1820]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1820 .A2
4 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829]
1830 Census [Fifth Census of the U.S., 1830]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1830 .A2
5 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839]
1840 Census [Sixth Census of the U.S., 1840]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1840 .A2
10 reels; indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849]
1850 Census [Seventh Census of the U.S., 1850]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1850 .A2
23 reels, free schedule; 8 reels, slave schedule; free schedule indexed by Census Index [NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860]
1860 Census [Eighth Census of the U.S., 1860]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1850 .A2
16 reels, free schedule; 10 reels, slave schedule
1870 Census [Ninth Census of the U.S., 1870]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1870 .A2
32 reels
1880 Census [Tenth Census of the U.S., 1880]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1880 .A2
27 reels
1900 Census [Twelfth Census of the U.S., 1900]. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1900 .A2
32 reels
Andrea, Leonardo. South Carolina Colonial Soldiers and Patriots. (1952)
GS 14: F272.A6x
Baldwin, Agnes Leland. First Settlers of South Carolina, 1670-1680. (1969)
GS 14: F 272 .B3
Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850-1860 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames; includes 1850 only for South Carolina
Clemens, William Montgomery. North and South Carolina Marriage Records from the Earliest Colonial Days to the Civil War. (1973)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .C62 1973
Contents of the South Carolina Gazette, Jan.-Feb., 1732, Gulf States Historical Magazine, November 1903: 215-22
Dobson, David. Directory of Scots in the Carolinas, 1680-1830. (1986)
GS 13: Ref F 265 .S3 D63
Easterby, James Harold. Guide to the Study and Reading of South Carolina History. (1975)
Ref Z 1333 .E2 1975
Ervin, Sara Sullivan. South Carolinians in the Revolution. (1971)
GS 5: E 263 .S7 E78 1971
Esker, Katie-Prince Ward. South Carolina Memorials, 1731-1776. (1977)
GS 14: Ref F 272 .E84
2 vols.; land records
Family Tree Maker Marriage Index: AL, GA, SC 1641-1944. (1944). 1 CD
Records come from a variety of sources and may not be a complete listing of all marriages occurring in these states for this time period
Reference desk: CSX F 208 .F365 1995
Holcomb, Brent. Death and Obituary Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate, 1867-1878. (1993)
GS 7: Ref F 216 .H642 1993
Holcomb, Brent. Marriage and Death Notices from Columbia, South Carolina, Newspapers, 1838-1860. (1988)
GS 14: Ref F 268 .M19 1988
Holcomb, Brent. North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina. (1980)
GS 13: Ref F 253 .H64 1980
Holcomb, Brent. Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Charleston, 1820-1829. (1994)
GS 3: Ref CS 68 .H654 1994
Holcomb, Brent. South Carolina Naturalizations, 1783-1850. (1997)
GS 14: Ref F 268 .H647 1997
How to Find a South Carolina Marriage, Genealogical Helper, November 1983: 15-16
GS 18
Howe, George. History of the Presbyterian Church in South Carolina. (1870-73)
BX 8947 .S6 H8
2 vols.
Langley, Clara A. South Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1719-1772. (1983-84)
GS 14: Ref F 268 .L36 1983
4 vols.
Louisiana References in South Carolina, Genealogical Register [Louisiana], August 1955: 20-21
GS 18
Mills, Robert. Mills’ Atlas of South Carolina. (1965)
GS 14 (bottom shelf): Ref G 1305 .M5 1965
News and Courier, Charleston, SC. Marriage Notices in Charleston Courier, 1803-1808. (1919)
GS 14: F 279 .C4 N56
Probate Records of South Carolina. (1977-79). 3 vols.
Vol 1: index to inventories, 1746-85; vol. 2: Journal of the Court of Ordinary, 1771-1775 and abstracts of letters of administration 1775-1821; vol. 3: Journal of the Court of Ordinary, 1764-1771, and marriages, January 1765-July 1776 (pp. 140-41)
GS 14: Ref KFS 2315 .A545
Quakers in South Carolina: Wateree and Bush River, Cane Creek, Piney Grove, and Charleston Meetings. (1991)
GS 14: Ref F 280 .F89 Q35 1991
Revill, Janie. A Compilation of the Original Lists of Protestant Immigrants to South Carolina, 1763-1773. (1968)
GS 14: Ref F 272 .R49 1968
Salley, A. S. Death Notices in the South-Carolina Gazette, 1731-1775. (1917)
GS 14: F 268 .S35 1917
Salley, A. S. Marriage Notices in the South-Carolina and American General Gazette from May 30, 1766, to February 28, 1781, and in Its Successor the Royal Gazette (1781-1782). (1914)
GS 14: F 268 .S175
Salley, A. S. Marriage Notices in the South-Carolina Gazette and Its Successors, 1732-1801. (1965)
GS 14: Ref F 268 .S16 1965
South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution. Roster and Ancestral Roll, South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution. (1954)
GS 14: Ref F 268 .D38
South Carolina Newspapers in the Department of Archives and History of Alabama, Gulf States Historical Magazine, January 1904: 285-87
South Carolina. Treasury. Stub Entries to Indents Issued in Payment of Claims against South Carolina. (1910)
GS 14: Ref F 263 .S7 S7
Books O-Q only (refers to claim numbers, not surnames); these are claims growing out of the Revolutionary War
South Carolina University Library. Index to the County Wills of South Carolina. (1964)
GS 14: Ref F 268 .S66 1964
South Carolina’s Minutes of the County Court, Genealogical Helper, May 1982: 9   
GS 18

Evaluation of these minutes as a source
Special Schedues of the 11th Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War. (N.d.)
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2
5 reels; sometimes contains Confederate veterans and widows
Townsend, Leah. South Carolina Baptists, 1670-1805. (1974)
GS 14: BX 6248 .S6 T6 1974
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: South Carolina. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 273 .U5 1966
Also on microfilm [NHX HA 201 1790 .A2]
Volunteers, 1775, Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1992: 47-48
GS 18
Waddel, Moses. A Register of Marriages Celebrated & Solemnized by Moses Waddel, D.D., in South Carolina and Georgia. (1943)
GS 7: F 268 .W3
Weis, Frederick Lewis. The Colonial Clergy of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. (1955)
GS 6: BR 569 .W42
Young, Willie Pauline. A Genealogical Collection of South Carolina Wills and Records. (1984). 2 vols.
GS 14: Ref F 268 .Y6
Young, Willie Pauline. A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records. (1979). 3 vols.
GS 14: Ref F 268 .Y59

Abbeville County

Abbeville District, South Carolina Marriages, 1777-1852. (1979)
GS 14: Ref F 279 .A17 A2
Young, Willie Pauline. Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds. (1950)
GS 14: F 277 .N6 Y6

Anderson County

Stewart, William C. 1800 Census of Pendleton District, South Carolina. (1963)
GS 14: Ref CS 42 .N43 no. 26
Willie, Betty. Pendleton District, S.C., Deeds, 1790-1806. (1982)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .P35 W54 1982

Barnwell County

Huxford, Folks. Court of Equity Records of Barnwell District, S.C. (1955)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .B25 H89 1955

Charleston County

Charleston, S.C. Free Library. Index to Wills of Charleston County, South Carolina, 1671-1868. (1950)
GS 14: F 277 .C4 C4
News and Courier, Charleston, SC. Marriage Notices in Charleston Courier, 1803-1808. (1919)
GS 14: F 279 .C4 N56

Chester County

Crowder, Louise Kelly. Tombstone Records of Chester County, South Carolina and Vicinity. (1970)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .C55 C7
Vol. 1 only
Holcomb, Brent. Camden District, S.C., Wills and Administrations, 1781-1787 (1770-1796). (1978)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .C22 H64 1978
Holcomb, Brent. Chester County, South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court, 1785-1799. (1979)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .C55 H64

Chesterfield County

Holcomb, Brent. Some South Carolina County Records. (1976)
GS 14: F 268 .H643

Darlington County

Holcomb, Brent. Some South Carolina County Records. (1976)
GS 14: F 268 .H643

Edgefield County

Hendrix, Ge Lee Corley. Edgefield County, South Carolina Abstracts of Deed Books 1-12. (1985)
GS 14: Ref F 277.E2 H457 1985
Vol. 1 only
Reville, Janie. Edgefield County, S.C. Records. (1984)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .E2 R48 1984
Abstracts of records from various sources listed alphabetically by individual name
Wooley, James E. Edgefield County, South Carolina, Wills: 1787-1836. (1991)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .E2 W6x
Young, Willie Pauline. Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds. (1950)
GS 14: F 277 .N6 Y6

Fairfield County

Holcomb, Brent. Camden District, S.C., Wills and Administrations, 1781-1787 (1770-1796). (1978)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .C22 H64 1978
Holcomb, Brent. Some South Carolina County Records. (1976)
GS 14: F 268 .H643

Greenville County

Whitmire, Beverly T. The Presence of the Past. (1976)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .G6 W46
Cemetery records

Kershaw County

Holcomb, Brent. Camden District, S.C., Wills and Administrations, 1781-1787 (1770-1796). (1978)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .C22 H64 1978

Lancaster County

Cemeteries, Mississippi Cemetery and Bible Records, 1955: 178-79
GS 12: Ref F 340 .M48
Holcomb, Brent. Camden District, S.C., Wills and Administrations, 1781-1787 (1770-1796). (1978)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .C22 H64 1978

Laurens County

Elliott, Colleen Morse. Laurens County, South Carolina, Wills, 1784-1840. (1988)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .L3 E45 1988
Ervin, Sara Sullivan. South Carolinians in the Revolution. (1971)
GS 5: E 263 .S7 E78 1971
Includes abstracts of wills, Laurens County, 1775-1855
Motes, Jesse Hogan. Laurens and Newberry Counties, South Carolina: Saluda and Little River Settlements, 1749-1775. (1994)
GS 14: Ref F 279 .S257 M68 1994
Some 1850 Laurens County Residents Who Moved to Northeast Mississippi by 1860, Northeast Mississippi Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, March 1992: 97-99; September 1992: 16
GS 18
Some Former Residents of Laurens County in Northeast Mississippi in 1850, Northeast Mississippi Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, March 1992: 92-96; September 1992: 16
GS 18
Young, Willie Pauline. Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds. (1950)
GS 14: F 277 .N6 Y6

Lexington County

Holcomb, Brent. Some South Carolina County Records. (1976)
GS 14: F 268 .H643

Marlboro County

Holcomb, Brent. Some South Carolina County Records. (1976)
GS 14: F 268 .H643

Newberry County

Motes, Jesse Hogan. Laurens and Newberry Counties, South Carolina: Saluda and Little River Settlements, 1749-1775. (1994)
GS 14: Ref F 279 .S257 M68 1994
Young, Willie Pauline. Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds. (1950)
GS 14: F 277 .N6 Y6

Pickens County

Stewart, William C. 1800 Census of Pendleton District, South Carolina. (1963)
GS 14: Ref CS 42 .N43 no. 26
Willie, Betty. Pendleton District, S.C., Deeds, 1790-1806. (1982)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .P35 W54 1982

Richland County

Abbott, Allen O. Prison Life in the South. (1865)
E 611 .A13
Includes list of Union prisoners at Libby Prison, Richmond, VA
Holcomb, Brent. Some South Carolina County Records. (1976)
GS 14: F 268 .H643

Spartanburg County

Holcomb, Brent. Some South Carolina County Records. (1976)
GS 14: F 268 .H643
Holcomb, Brent. Spartanburg County, South Carolina Will Abstracts, 1787-1840. (1983)
GS 14: F 277 .S7 H64 1983
Pruitt, Albert Bruce. Spartanburg County, District South Carolina: Deed Abstracts Books A-T, 1785-1827. (1988)
GS 14: F 277 .S7 P78 1988
Young, Willie Pauline. Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds. (1950)
GS 14: F 277 .N6 Y6

Sumter County

Holcomb, Brent. Camden District, S.C., Wills and Administrations, 1781-1787 (1770-1796). (1978)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .C22 H64 1978

Union County

Holcomb, Brent. Union County, South Carolina, Will Abstracts, 1787-1849. (1987)
GS 14: Ref F 277 .U5 H65 1987

York County

Langdon, Barbara R. York County, Marriages, 1770-1869: Implied in York County, SC Probate Records. (1986)
GS 14: F 277 .Y6 L36 1986
Be careful of married daughters being confused with wives’ maiden names
York County, South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court, 1786-1797. (1981)
GS 14: Ref KFS 2316 .Y67 A7 1786

South Dakota

Union County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Jefferson Township is the only part saved


Acklen, Jeannette. Tennessee Records. (1967)
GS 15: F 435 .A34 1967
Vol. 1: tombstone inscriptions; vol. 2: Bible records and marriages
Armstrong, Zella. Twenty-four Hundred Tennessee Pensioners: Revolution - War of 1812. (1937)
GS 15: Ref E 255 .A76
Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames; includes Tennessee census for 1810 only
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850-1860 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames; includes 1850 and 1860 censuses for Tennessee
Confederate Soldiers Who Died in Elmira Prison Camp, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 7 (1990), no. 4: 20-24; vol. 8 (1991), no. 1: 16-20; vol. 8 (1991), no. 2: 1-3; vol. 8 (1991), no. 3: 77-81; vol. 9 (1992), no. 2: 24-26; vol. 9 (1992), no. 3: 40-42
GS 18
Creekmore, Pollyanna. Early East Tennessee Taxpayers. (1980)
GS 15: Ref F 442.1 .C7
Death Notices of Mississippians from the National Banner and the Nashville Whig, 1826-1837, Mississippi Genealogical Exchange, Winter 1985: 180-82
GS 18
Eddlemon, Sherida K. Genealogical Abstracts from Tennessee Newspapers, 1803-1812. (1989)
GS 15: Ref F 435 .E34 1989
Eddlemon, Sherida K. Genealogical Abstracts from Tennessee Newspapers, 1821-1828. (1991)
GS 15: Ref F 435 .E35 1991
Family Tree Maker Marriage Index: KY, NC, TN, VA, WV, 1728-1850. (1995). 1 CD
Records come from a variety of sources and may not be a complete listing of all marriages occuring in these states for this time period
Reference desk: CSX F 208 .F36 1995
Fischer, Marjorie Hood. Tennessee Tidbits, 1778-1914. (1986-89).
Special Collections has volume 1 only
GS 15: Ref F 435 .F57 1986
Genealogical Research in Tennessee, Old Timer Press, June 1987: 2-5; September 1987: 1
GS 18
Lucas, S. Emmett. 35,000 Tennessee Marriage Records and Bonds, 1783-1870. (1981)
GS 15: Ref F 435 .L83 1981
3 vols.
Mrs. Clifton’s Clippings, Northeast Mississippi Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, September 1988: 2-6
GS 18
Obituaries, 1836-80
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Tennessee. Portrait Committee. Portraits in Tennessee Painted before 1866. (1964)
Ref N 7593 .N29
Describes portraits only (no reproductions)
Neville, Bert. Directory of Tennessee River Steamboats. (1963)
Ref HE 630 .T4 N4
Ray, Worth S. Tennessee Cousins. (1950)
GS 15: F 435 .R3
Sistler, Byron. 1830 Census, East Tennessee. (1969)
GS 2: Ref F 442.1 .S57 1969
Sistler, Byron. 1830 Census, Middle Tennessee. (1971)
GS 2: Ref F 442.2 .S67 1971
Sistler, Byron. 1830 Census--West Tennessee. (1971)
GS 2: Ref F 442.3 .S67 1971
Sistler, Byron. Index to Early Tennessee Tax Lists. (1977)
GS 15: Ref F 435 .S57
Sistler, Byron. Index to Tennessee Wills & Administrations, 1779-1861. (1990)
GS 15: Ref F 435 .S574 1990
Tennessee Ancestors. 1985-  .
GS 18
Tennessee Newspaper Files in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass., Gulf States Historical Magazine, September 1903: 120-24
Teuton, Frank L. Steamboat Days on the Tennessee River: a History of the St. Louis and Tennessee River Packet Company. (1967)
HE 633 .S25 T4
Valley Leaves. 1984-85; 1989-90.
GS 18
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Anderson County

Hoskins, Katherine B. Anderson County. (1979)
GS 15: F 443 .A5 H67

Bledsoe County

Marsh, Helen Crawford. Cemetery Records of Bedford County, Tennessee. (1986)
GS 15: Ref F 443. B35 M37 1985
Marsh, Helen Crawford. Earliest County Court Records of Bedford County, Tennessee. (1985)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .B35 M373 1986
Marsh, Helen Crawford. Land Deed Genealogy of Bedford County, Tennessee, 1807-1852. (1988)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .B35 M375
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes petition, 1822
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Bledsoe County

Douthat, James L. Sequatchie Families. (1983)
GS 15: F 443 .S36 D69 1983
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes Minute docket, 1841-46 and notes from deed books A-C
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Blount County

Parham, Will E. Blount County, Tennessee, Marriages, 1795-1865. (1982)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .B6 P37 1982

Campbell County

Sistler, Byron. Campbell County, TN Marriages, 1838-81. (1984)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .C3 S57 1984

Cannon County

Sistler, Byron. Cannon County, TN Marriages, 1838-1873. (1985)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .C3 I3 S57

Carter County

Burgner, Goldene Fillers. Carter County, Tennessee Marriage Records, 1796-1870. (1987)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .C32 B87 1987
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes index to wills
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Claiborne County

Sistler, Byron. Claiborne County, Tennessee Marriages, 1838-1868. (1983)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .C5 S57
2 vols.

Davidson County

Clayton, W. Woodford. History of Davidson County, Tennessee. (1971)
GS 15: F 443 .D2 C6 1971
Indexed by Clayton, Index [Ref F 443 .D2 C6 Index]
Clayton, W. Woodford. Index [to] Clayton’s History of Davidson County, Tennessee. (1973)       
GS 15: Ref F 443 .D2 C6 Index
Indexes Clayton’s History [F 443 .D2 C6 1971]
Sistler, Byron. Davidson County, TN Marriages, 1838-1863. (1985)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .D2 S57 1985
Tennessee State Library and Archives. Manuscript Division. Index to Interments in the Nashville City Cemetery, 1846-1962. (1964)
GS 15: Ref F 444 .N261 T355
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes Will Book 1, some tombstone records, Evan’s Battalion, and index to bounty land entries
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

DeKalb County

Sistler, Byron. DeKalb County, TN Marriages, 1848-1880. (1985)  
GS 15: Ref F 443 .D5 S58 1985

Dickson County

Garrett, Jill Knight. Dickson County Handbook. (1984)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .D5 G27
Kilgore, Sherry J. Dickson County, Tennessee Marriages, 1817-1856. (1987)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .D5 K54x 1987

Dyer County

Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes index to Deed Book 1
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Franklin County

Ingmire, Frances Terry. Abstracts of Franklin County, Tennessee, Wills, 1808-1875. (1984)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .F7 I54 1984
Sistler, Byron. Franklin County, TN Marriages, 1838-1874. (1985)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .F7 S5385 1838-1874

Giles County

McCallum, James. A Brief Sketch of the Settlement and Early History of Giles County, Tennessee. (1928)
F 443 .G4 M2

Grainger County

Sheffield, Ella Lee. Grainger County, Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Record Book No. 3, 1812-1816. (1983)
GS 15: Ref F443 .G65 S49 1983
Sheffield, Ella Lee. Grainger County, Tennessee, Letters of Administration, 1842-1854. (1983)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .G65 S5 1983

Greene County

Burgner, Goldene Fillers. Chancery Court Minutes, Greene County, Tennessee, November 1825-January 1831. (1987)
GS 15: Ref KFT 531 .A52 B87 1987
Burgner, Goldene Fillers. Greene County, Tennessee, Tax Digests, 1809-1817. (1986)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .G75 B859 1986
Burgner, Goldene Fillers. North Carolina Land Grants Recorded in Greene County, Tennessee. (1981)
GS 15: F 443 .G75 B86 1981
Houston, Sandra Kelton. Greene County, Tennessee, Guardians and Orphans Court Records, 1783-1870 and 1830 Tax List. (1984)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .G75 H68 1984
North Carolina Grants in Greene County, Tennessee, Family Trails, November 1989: 66-76
GS 18

Hardeman County

Our Heritage: Historical Highlights of United Methodism in North Mississippi. (1986)
Brief histories of Methodist churches in the northern half of the state; includes one church in Hardeman County, Tennessee
GS 12: BX 8248 .M5 O8 1986
Sistler, Byron. Hardeman Co., TN Marriages, 1823-1861. (1986)
GS 15:  Ref F 443 .H28 S58 1986

Hardin County

Hays, Thomas A. Hardin County, Tennessee Records, 1820-1860. (1985)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .H3 H38 1985
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Miscellaneous notes
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Henry County

Inman, W. O. Henry County, Tennessee Marriages. (1974)
GS 15: Ref CS 68 .I535
2 vols.
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes early wills and miscellaneous notes
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Jackson County

Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes petition
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Jefferson County

Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes index to early wills
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Lincoln County

Tucker, Mabel Abbott. Lincoln County, Tennessee Bible Records. (1971)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .L6 T83
Vol. 3 only

McMinn County

Boyer, Reba Bayless. McMinn County, Tennessee, Marriages, 1820-1870. (1964)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .M15 B7 1983
Boyer, Reba Bayless. Wills and Estate Records of McMinn County, Tennessee, 1820-1870. (1983)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .M15

Madison County

Sistler, Byron. Madison County, Tennessee Marriages, 1838-1871. (1983)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .M25 S57 1983

Marion County

Douthat, James L. Sequatchie Families. (1983)
GS 15: F 443 .S36 D69 1983

Maury County

Alexander, Virginia Wood. Maury County, Tennessee, Deed Books, A-F, 1807-1817. (1981)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .M4 A49 1981
Garrett, Jill Knight. Maury County, Tennessee Will Books, A, B, C-1, D, and E, 1808-1832. (1984)          
GS 15: Ref F 443 .M4 G33 1984
Mississippians Attending Tennessee Conference Female College, 1860, Family Trails, February 1984: 75
GS 18
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes first deed book, 1807-18
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Monroe County

Boyer, Reba Bayless. Monroe County, Tennessee: Records 1820-1870. (1983)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .M7 B6 1983
2 vols.

Montgomery County

Sistler, Byron. Montgomery County, TN, Marriages, 1838-1867. (1986)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .M8 S58 1986
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes marriages, 1799, 1802, 1808, 1817
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Overton County

Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes petition
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Roane County

Sistler, Byron. Roane County, TN, Marriages, 1856-1875. (1988)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .R5 S58x 1988

Rutherford County

Index to 1810 Census, Family Trails, August 1987: 104-09
GS 18

Scott County

Sistler, Byron. Scott County, TN  Marriages, 1858-1880. (1988)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .S2 S58x 1988

Sequatchie County

Douthat, James L. Sequatchie Families. (1983)
GS 15: F 443 .S36 D69 1983

Shelby County

Baker, T. H. The Memphis Commercial Appeal: the History of a Southern Newspaper. (1971)
PN 4899 .M35 C63
Clay, Floyd Martin. A Century on the Mississippi: a History of the Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1876-1976. (1976)
UG 23 .C52
The Commercial Appeal Centennial Edition. (1940)
oversize DV: F 444 .M5 C6455
The Commercial Appeal. Memphis, 1819-1869. (1969)
F 444 .M5 C66 1969
Anniversary edition
Cope, Neil B. A History of the Memphis Commercial Appeal. (1969)
microfilm: NFX PN 4899 .M35 C65
General history
Crawford, Charles Wann. Yesterday’s Memphis. (1976)
F 444 .M5 C7
Edwards’ Annual Director to the Inhabitants ... Business Firms, etc. ... in ... Memphis. (N.d.)
F 444 .M5 A18
Memphis Press-Scimitar. Memphis Press-Scimitar Sesquicentennial Edition. (1969)
F 444 .M5 M46 1969
Polk’s Memphis ... City Directory. (N.d.)
F 444 .M5 P6
1936 edition
Roper, James. The Founding of Memphis, 1818-1820. (1970)
F 444 .M5 R6
Stewart, Marcus J. History of Medicine in Memphis. (1971)
R 330 .M45 S7
Talley, Robert. One Hundred Years of the Commercial Appeal. (1940)
PN 4899 .M33 C6
General history of the newspaper

Smith County

Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes petitions, some wills and miscellaneous records
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Stewart County

Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes petition
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Sullivan County

North Carolina Grants in Sullivan County, Tennessee, Family Trails, August 1988: 20-23
GS 18
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes includes some land entries
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Sumner County

Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes petition, some marriage records, and an index to deeds
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Warren County

Sistler, Byron. Warren County, TN Marriages, 1852-1865. (1986)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .W2 S57

Washington County

Burgner, Goldene Fillers. Washington County, Tennessee, Marriages, 1780-1870. (1985)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .W3 B86 1985
Burgner, Goldene Fillers. Washington County, Tennessee Wills, 1777-1872. (1983)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .W3 B87 1983
Fischer, Marjorie Hood. Tennesseans before 1800: Washington County. (1996)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .W3 F58 1996
North Carolina Land Grants Made in Washington County, Tennessee, Family Trails, February 1988: 70-71, 73-77
GS 18
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes officers in War of 1812 and petition
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

White County

Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes surveys, 1824-28
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Williamson County

Bejach, Wilena Roberts. Williamson County, Tennessee Marriage Records, 1800-1850. (1957)
GS 15: F 443 .W7 B4
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes some marriage records
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980

Wilson County

Partlow, Thomas E. The People of Wilson County, Tennessee, 1800-1899. (1983)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .W75 P36 1983
Partlow, Thomas E. Wilson County, Tennessee, Deeds, Marriages and Wills, 1800-1902 (1987)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .W75 P3725 1987
Partlow, Thomas E. Wilson County, Tennessee, Miscellaneous Records, 1800-1875. (1982)
GS 15: Ref F 443 .W75 P373 1982
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers from State and County Archives. (1980)
Includes some marriage records
GS 15: Ref F 435 .W46 1980


Austin, Stephen F. Stephen F. Austin’s Register of Families. (1984)
GS 17: Ref F 385 .A895 1989
Carter, James David. Masonry in Texas. (1955)
GS 17: HS 537 .T52 C3
Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 240 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Confederate Soldiers Who Died in Elmira Prison Camp, Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, vol. 7 (1990), no. 4: 20-24; vol. 8 (1991), no. 1: 16-20; vol. 8 (1991), no. 2: 1-3; vol. 8 (1991), no. 3: 77-81; vol. 9 (1992), no. 2: 24-26; vol. 9 (1992), no. 3: 40-42
GS 18
Day, James M. The Texas Almanac, 1857-1873: a Compendium of Texas History. (1967)
GS 17: Ref AY 311 .D3 T51
Includes lists of genealogical value
Historical and Biographical Record of the Cattle Industry and Cattlement of Texas. (1895)
vault: SF 196 .U5 H5
Mississippi Civil War Soldiers and Texas, Old Timer Press, March 1985: 29
GS 18
Mississippians and Texas, Mississippi Genealogy and Local History, March 1974: 3-7
GS 18
Mississippians that Fought in the Texas War for Independence, 1835-1836, Family Trails, November 1983: 13-18
GS 18
Mississippians to Texas, Family Trails, May 1979: 11-22
GS 18
Mullins, Marion Day. The First Census of Texas, 1829-1836. (1959)
GS 2: F 385 .M95
Includes citizenship lists, 1821-1845
Some Austin Sources of Materials for Genealogical Research, Southwestern Genealogist, January 1976: 12-14
GS 18
Texas Newspaper Files in the Library of Congress, Gulf States Historical Magazine, July 1902: 33-37
White, Gifford E. The 1840 Census of the Republic of Texas. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 349 .W59

Ellis County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
J.P. Township No. 6, Mountain Peak, and Ovilla Precinct are the only parts saved

Harrison County

Louisiana Folks in the Marshall Republican Newspaper, 1856-57, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1991: 162
GS 18

Hood County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Precinct No. 5 is the only part saved

Houston County

Helton Cemetery, Family Trails, November 1977: 47
GS 18

Jefferson County

Adams, Loither Iler. Time and Shadows. (1971)
GS 17: F 392 .J33 A65

Kaufman County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Town of Kaufman was the only part saved

Nacodoches County

List of French People, 1796, Genealogical Register [Louisiana], September 1961: 36
GS 18

Polk County

Letters from the Louisiana Settlement, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1974: 157-66; June 1976: 101-17
GS 18

Rusk County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
No. 6 and J.P. no. 7 are only parts saved
Gage Cemetery, Family Trails, November 1977: 10-11
GS 18

Trinity County

1890 Census [Eleventh Census of the U.S., 1890]. (N.d.). Reel 3
microfilm: NFX HA 201 1890 .A2 reel 3
Trinity Town and Precinct No. 2 are only parts saved
Dean Cemetery, Family Trails, February 1978: 17
GS 18

Wood County

Bruner, Ora Pritchett. Mineola and Its Mayors. (1976)
F 385 .B76


Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 240 fiche; ask for specific surnames; Utah territory 1850


Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [New England and Northern States, 1850]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U541 1850
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Genealogical Research in Vermont, Genealogical Helper, September 1985: 9-10
GS 18
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: Vermont. (1966)
GS 2: Ref F 52 .U5 1966


Bentley, Elizabeth Petty. Index to the 1810 Census of Virginia. (1980)
GS 2: Ref F 225 .B45
Census Index, 1790-1810 [Early Colonial Records & U.S., 1600-1819]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1600-1819
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 152 fiche; ask for specific surnames; includes index for Virginia for 1810 only
Census Index, 1820 [United States, 1820-1829]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1820-1829
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 57 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850-1860 [Southern States, 1850-1860]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U542 1850-1860
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 140 fiche; ask for specific surnames; includes 1850 only for Virginia
Elliott, Katherine Blackwell. Emigration to Other States from Southside Virginia. (1983)
GS 16: Ref F 225 .E4 1983
2 vols.
Family Tree Maker Marriage Index: KY, NC, TN, VA, WV, 1728-1850. (1995). 1 CD
Records come from a variety of sources and may not be a complete listing of all marriages occuring in these states for this time period
Reference desk: CSX F 208 .F36 1995
Family Tree Maker: the Virginia Collection. (1997). 3 CD set
Includes Virginia Vital Records; Virginia Marriage Records; Virginia Will Records; Virginia Land Records; Virginia Military Records; and Virginia Tax Records series; these series were in turn built from articles in Virginia Magazine of History and Biography; The William and Mary Quarterly; and Tyler’s Quarterly
Reference desk: CSX F 225 .F36 1997
Felldin, Jeanne Robey. Index to the 1820 Census of Virginia. (1976)
GS 2: Ref F 225 .F4 1981
Genealogical Research Aids in the Virginia State Library, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1972: 156-57
Gwathmey, John Hastings. Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution. (1938)
GS 5: E 263 .V8 G9
Hamlin, Charles Hughes. They Went Thataway. (1985)
GS 16: Ref F 225 .H222 1985
Deals with emigration out of Virginia to other states
McAllister, J. T. Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War. (1913)
E 263 .V8 M13
Magazine of Virginia Genealogy. 1985-87; 1989-91; 1993-94.
GS 18
Notes on Louisianians in Virginia, Genealogical Register [Louisiana], December 1961: 52
GS 18
Quisenberry, Anderson Chenault. Revolutionary Soldiers in Kentucky. (1968)
GS 5: E 255 .Q5 1968
Includes officers from Virginia and roster of the Virginia Navy
Sanchez-Saavedra, E. M. A Description of the Country: Virginia’s Cartographers and Their Maps, 1607-1881. (1975)
oversize WH: GA 455 .S26
Semple, Robert Baylor. A History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Virginia. (1894)
BX 6248 .V8 S4 1894
The Social Record of Virginia. (1951)
Ref F 225 .C351 1951
Some Louisiana Students in Virginia, 1850, Louisiana Genealogical Register, March 1984: 37
GS 18
Sources of Virginia Genealogy, Louisiana Genealogical Register, December 1981: 305-11
GS 18
Southside Virginian. 1991.
GS 18
Stanard, William Glover. The Colonial Virginia Register: a List of Governors, Councillors and Other Higher Officials ... (1965)
F 229 .S8 1965
Swem, Earl Gregg. Virginia Historical Index. (1965)
GS 16: Ref F 221 .S93 1965
4 vols.; indexes Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (1893-1930), William and Mary Quarterly (1892-1930), Tyler’s Quarterly (1919-1929), Virginia Historical Register (1848-1853), Lower Norfolk County Antiquary (1895-1906), Hening’s Statutes at Large (1619-1792), and Calendar of Virginia State Papers (1652-1869); for articles recording vital records, marriages, wills, land, military and tax records, see also Family Tree Maker: the Virginia Collection (Reference desk: CSX F 225 .F36 1997)
Taylor, James Barnett. Virginia Baptist Ministers. (1859)
BX 6248 .V8 T3 1859
2 vols.
Torrence, Clayton. Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1632-1800. (1931)
F 225 .T85
Very fragile
United States. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census ... 1790: Virginia. (1966)
GS 2: F 230 .U5 1966
Reconstructed from state enumerations 1782-1785 and tax lists 1783-1786
Virginia (Colony) Council. Minutes of the Council and General Court of Colonial Virginia, 1622-1632. (1924)
J 87 .V58
The Virginia Genealogist. January 1957-December 1976.
Indexed by The Virginia Genealogist Index.
Virginia Genealogist Index. 1957-76.
GS 18
Index to The Virginia Genealogist.
Virginia. State Library, Richmond. Dept. of Archives and History. List of Colonial Soldiers of Virginia. (1974)
GS 5: Ref F 229 .V94 1974
Also earlier printing
Watson, Walter Allen. Notes on Southside Virginia. (1990)
GS 16: F 226 .W33 1990x
Weis, Frederick Lewis. The Colonial Clergy of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. (1955)
GS 6: GR 569 .W42
Williamson, James Joseph. Mosby’s Rangers. (1909)
E 581.6 .43rd Wi
43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry
Wise, George. History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infantry, C.S.A. (1870)
E 581.5 17th .W57
Withington, Lothrop. Virginia Gleanings in England: Abstracts of 17th and 18th-Century Wills and Administrations. (1980)
GS 16: Ref F 225 .W58 1980

Accomack County

Virginia. County Court (Northampton County). County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton, Virginia, 1640-1645. (1973)
GS 16: Ref KFV 2916 .A93 A7 1640
Vol. 1: 1632-40; vol. 2: 1640-45

Albemarle County

Marriages Solemnized by John Gibson, 1800-1846, Southwestern Genealogist, March 1969: 33-34
GS 18

Amherst County

Sweeny, William Montgomery. Marriage Bonds and Other Marriage Records of Amherst County, Virginia, 1763-1800. (1937)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .A55 S8

Augusta County

Augusta Co., VA. Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia. (1965)
GS 16: F 232 .A9 1965
3 vols.; court records of Augusta County, 1745-1800; spine title: Records of Augusta County
Known Mississippi Burials in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, Va., Family Trails, August 1984: 77
GS 18
MacMaster, Richard K. Augusta County History, 1865-1950. (1988)
GS 16: F 232 .A9 M3 1988

Botetourt County

Land Acquisitions in Early Botetourt, Southwestern Genealogist, April 1976: 1-16; July 1976: 4-7
GS 18
Background only; does ot include records of individuals

Campbell County

Moore, Evelyn Lee. Behind the Old Brick Wall. (1968)
GS 16: Ref F 234 .L9 M6
City Cemetery, Lynchburg

Chesterfield County

The Crawford Manuscript, Journal of Mississippi History, November 1978: 341-52
Slaughter, Philip. A History of Bristol Parish, Va. (1879)
GS 16: F 232 .B8 S7

Culpeper County

Green, Raleigh Travers. Genealogical and Historical Notes on Culpeper County, Virginia. (1964)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .C9 G74 1964
Includes Slaughter’s History of St. Mark’s Parish

Cumberland County

Elliott, Katherine Blackwell. Marriage Records, 1749-1840, Cumberland County, Virginia. (1983)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .C93 E4 1983

Dinwiddie County

Slaughter, Philip. A History of Bristol Parish, Va. (1879)
GS 16: F 232 .B8 S7

Fairfax County

Benham, Mary Louisa Slacum. Recollections of Old Alexandria. (1977)
F 234 .A3 B43

Fauquier County

Groome, Harry Connelly. Fauquier during the Proprietorship. (1969)
GS 16: F 232 .F3 G8 1969

Frederick County

Louisianians Interred in Stonewall Cemetery, Winchester, Virginia, Louisiana Genealogical Register, June 1993: 101-08
GS 18

Gloucester County

Petsworth Parish, VA. The Vestry Book of Petsworth Parish, Gloucester County, Virginia, 1677-1793. (1933)
GS 16: F 232 .P45 P4

Hanover County

Cocke, William Ronald. Hanover County Chancery Wills and Notes. (1940)
GS 16: F 232 .H3 C6

Henrico County

Glazier, Willard W. The Capture, the Prison Pen, and the Escape. (1870)
E 611 .G56 1870
Includes list of Union prisoners at Libby Prison, Richmond, VA
Lindsay, Joyce H. Marriages of Henrico County, Virginia, 1680-1808. (1983)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .H4 L56 1983
Mississippi Confederate Soldiers Buried at Hollywood Cemetery, Old Timer Press, March 1983: 9-10; April 1983: 6-7
GS 18
Weisiger, Benjamin B. Henrico County, Virginia Deeds. (1986)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .H4 W445 1985
Vol. 3, 1677-1705, only

James City County

Blissland Parish, VA.  The Vestry Book of Blisland (Blissland) Parish, New Kent and James City Counties, Virginia, 1721-1786. (1935)
GS 16: F 232 .B55 B5

King and Queen County

Stratton Major Parish, VA. The Vestry Book of Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen County, Virginia, 1729-1783. (1931)
GS 16: F 232 .K4 S7

King William County

Clarke, Peyton Neale. Old King William Homes and Families. (1964)
GS 16: F 232 .K5 C5 1964

Lancaster County

Lee, Ida Johnson. Lancaster County, Virginia, Marriage Bonds, 1652-1850. (1972)
GS 16: F 232 .L2 L42 1972

Logan County -- see West Virginia: Logan County

Louisa County

Some Marriage Bonds, 1767-1800, Southwestern Genealogist, October 1976: 12-13
GS 18

Lunenburg County

Bell, Landon Covington. Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg County, Virginia, 1746-1816. (1974)
GS 16: F 225 .B42 1974
Elliott, Katherine Blackwell. Early Wills, 1746-1765: Lunenburg County, Virginia. (1967)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .L9 E54

Nansemond County

Conrad, David Holmes. Memoir of Rev. James Chisholm, A.M. ... (1856)
BX 5995 .C53 C6
Includes notes of Portsmouth epidemic in 1855
Upper Parish (Nansemond County, VA). The Vestry Book of the Upper Parish, Nansemond County, Virginia, 1743-1793. (1950)
GS 16: F 232 .N2 U6

New Kent County

Blissland Parish, VA.  The Vestry Book of Blisland (Blissland) Parish, New Kent and James City Counties, Virginia, 1721-1786. (1935)
GS 16: F 232 .B55 B5

Northampton County

Virginia. County Court (Northampton County). County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton, Virginia, 1640-1645. (1973)
GS 16: Ref KFV 2916 .A93 A7 1640
Vol. 1: 1632-40; vol. 2: 1640-45

Pittsylvania County

Adams, Lela C. Abstracts of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Wills, 1767-1820. (1986)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .P7 A25 1986
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. Marriage Bonds and Minsiters’ Returns of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, 1767-1805. (1982)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .P7 K56

Prince George County

Slaughter, Philip. A History of Bristol Parish, Va. (1879)
GS 16: F 232 .B8 S7

Rockbridge County

Kirkpatrick, Dorthie. Rockbridge County Marriages, 1778-1850. (1985)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .R68 K57 1985

Surry County

Boddie, John Bennett. Colonial Surry. (1974)
GS 16: F 232 .S9 B59 1966
Hart, Lyndon H. Surry County, Virginia, Wills, Estate Accounts and Inventories, 1730-1800. (1983)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .S9 H37 1983
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. Marriage Bonds and Ministers’ Returns of Surry County, Virginia, 1768-1825. (1982)
GS 16: Ref F 232 .S9 K6 1982

Tazewell County

Cemetery, Southwestern Genealogist, October 1974: 11
GS 18

York County

Bell, Landon Covington. Charles Parish, York County, Virginia, History and Registers, Births, 1648-1789, Deaths 1665-1787. (1932)
GS 16: F 232 .Y6 B3

West Virginia

Family Tree Maker Marriage Index: KY, NC, TN, VA, WV, 1728-1850. (1995). 1 CD
Records come from a variety of sources and may not be a complete listing of all marriages occuring in these states for this time period
Reference desk: CSX F 208 .F36 1995

Logan County

Albert, Ethel Evans. Logan County, Virginia Marriage Records, 1853-1860 and 1850 Census. (1974)
GS 16: Ref CS 69 .A437


Census Index, 1830 [United States, 1830-1839]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1830-1839
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 84 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1840 [United States, 1840-1849]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U54 1840-1849
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 117 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Census Index, 1850 [Midwestern & Western States, 1850-1906]. (1983)
microfiche: NHX HA 201 .U543 1850-1906
A.I.S. index to census and other records; 240 fiche; ask for specific surnames
Road, Hosea Whitford. Wisconsin at Vicksburg. (1914)
E 475.27 .R655
Includes Wisconsin units that fought at Vicksburg
Wisconsin Research,Genealogical Helper, March 1979: 7-8
GS 18

Rock County

Rock County Agricultural Society. History of Rock County. (1856)
F 587 .R6 R6