John F. and Jeanne A. Marszalek Library Fund & Lecture Series
About the Marszaleks

John F. Marszalek, W. L. Giles Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History, is a graduate of Canisius College and the University of Notre Dame. A member of the Mississippi State University faculty from 1973 to 2002, he taught countless undergraduate students, was, for four years, the Mentor of the Schillig Scholars, and produced over twenty doctoral and masters students. An award- winning author and lecturer, he has written books on one of the first black cadets at West Point, African-American Civil Rights, two Starkville area black leaders, a sex scandal in the Andrew Jackson presidency, and Civil War General William T. Sherman. One of these books was made into a motion picture which had its premiere in New York, Los Angeles, and Mississippi State.

Jeanne A. Marszalek, a graduate of St. Mary's College, is a long-time leader in community race relations, and the 1996 winner of the "Unity in the Community" Award from the Oktibbeha County NAACP. She has provided leadership to the state and local Democratic Party, serving for ten years as chair of the Oktibbeha County Democratic Executive Committee. She was a delegate to two national conventions. She has given lectures to university classes and local organizations, served as co-Mentor of the Schillig Scholars, and has worked as a research assistant on her husband's publications.
The Marszaleks are the parents of three grown sons: a university professor, a public library administrator, and an accountant, and have eight grandchildren.