Mississippi State University researchers can now publish unlimited open access research articles without any current academic author fees in five top scholarly journals supporting Life Sciences, thanks to a new MSU libraries licensing partnership agreement with The Company of Biologists, according to Dr. Raymond Uzwyshyn, Associate Dean, Collection Management and Strategy.
MSU Libraries recently signed the agreement which will allow open access publishing in Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms, and Biology Open, according to Cathy Austin, Assistant Professor / Coordinator of Acquisitions and Collection Development.
"This means that MSU faculty researchers can publish an uncapped number of open access research articles in the journals em>Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms, and Biology Open, without paying an article processing charge (APC)," Austin said.
"This is great since it will provide free scholarly open access publications for other researchers at no cost to MSU authors," she added.
The agreement also provides MSU scholars and researchers unlimited access to the journals and their archives. For more information, please contact Austin at caustin@library.msstate.edu.